News, Media and Stories

Aaron Greer
Aaron Greer has been promoted to associate professor of anthropology and sociology at Pacific University.
Ryan Gibbard ’03, PharmD ’10
Ryan Gibbard ’03, PharmD ’10 has been promoted to associate professor in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
Anita Cleven
Anita Cleven has been promoted to associate professor in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
John Begert
John Begert has been promoted to associate professor in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
Danielle Backus
Danielle Backus has been promoted to associate professor in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
Hannah Shinoda
Hannah Shinoda has been promoted to associate professor of optometry and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Michela Kenning OD ’12
Michela Kenning OD ’12 has been promoted to associate professor of optometry and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Amiee Ho
Amiee Ho has been promoted to associate professor of optometry and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
William Hefner OD ’96, MEd ‘97
William Hefner OD ’96, MEd ‘97 has been granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
Marina Suzuki
Marina Suzuki has been promoted to associate professor of pharmacy and granted indefinite tenure by Pacific University.
