News, Media and Stories

McCall students
The McCall Center for Civic Engagement Award recognizes outstanding contributions to civic engagement at Pacific University.
Sharks rainbow hunt
Pacific University's Early Learning Community for children has created a robust online school.
Sunny Day FG Campus
The results of the Undergraduate Student Senate election have been released. Meet the 2020-21 leadership.
Daniel Yazzolino '16, MBA '20 was featured on the Instagram for Young Professionals in Business Aviation.
In Memoriam: Roger De Leon '73
Bryan Lang, PT '13, MHA '14 was featured in an online series through ArtStation Magazine about tips for working from home.
Riley Grandinetti '15 Coaches at Southwestern Oregon Community College
Honors & Awards Video
The university recognized 11 outstanding employees with annual awards and honored 16 long-time employees retiring in 2019-2020.
Sixteen long-time faculty and staff members retired in 2019-2020, many earning emeritus and Creighton Honored Retiree status for their years of service.
Annual awards recognize Pacific faculty and staff who embody the mission of the university through teaching, spirit, and service to students.
