Bomb Threat | Emergency Procedures

Bomb Threat | Caller on the Phone

  1. Remain calm
  2. Discreetly draw the attention of others to assist you while you remain on the phone
  3. Question the caller extensively; make notes
  4. Have someone notify CPS, let CPS notify the police
  5. Upon completion of the call, immediately complete the Bomb Threat Information Checklist
  6. Do not panic or cause panic, help others stay calm
  7. Do not leave until told to do so by senior administrators, police or CPS
  8. Do not disturb objects that appear strange, unusual or out of place; notify officers of their location
  9. Follow instructions calmly and without hurry

Bomb Threat Information Checklist

  • Date, time call was received and time call ended
  • Exact words of the caller
  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • Where is the bomb located?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • How will it be exploded?
  • How was it delivered to campus?
  • Voice characteristics of the caller
  • Tone of speech
  • Speech patterns
  • Command of language
  • Manners of the caller
  • Use of slang
  • Probable age
  • Language accent
  • Background noises
  • Did the person sound like someone you know?
  • Any additional comments
  • Your name and the telephone where the threat was received


Contact Us

CPS Officers are on duty 24-hours a day. In case of an emergency, call 911 and then contact CPS.

Campus Public Safety
503-352-2230 (Forest Grove) | 503-352-7207 (Hillsboro)