PhDEL Curriculum

Degree Completion

To become a candidate for graduation from the PhD in Education and Leadership program, students will complete 56 credit hours of coursework. The curriculum is designed to be completed online in a cohort-model with two years of coursework and then a dissertation, with one on-site session held annually.

January Conference

Annually, students must attend an extended-weekend Interprofessional Education and Leadership (IPEL) Conference, ONSITE at a location in Oregon.

Course Planning

Below is an example of the course of study in the PhD in Education & Leadership program at Pacific University. Learn more about individual courses in the academic catalog.

Fall I : 8/26/2024 - 12/8/2024

EDLD 702

IPEL Development Symposium (virtual)

1 credit

EDLD 706

Diversity, Equity, and Systems Thinking

3 credits

EDLD 710

The Professional as a Researcher & Writer

3 credits

Spring I: 1/13/2025 - 4/27/2025

EDLD 801 IPEL I 1 credit

EDLD 708

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education

3 credits

EDLD 732 


3 credits

Summer I: 5/5/2025 - 8/10/2025

EDLD 714

Qualitative Research

3 credits

EDLD 716

Quantitative Research

3 credits

Fall II: 8/26/2024 - 12/8/2024

EDLD 704

IPEL Development Symposium II (virtual)

1 credit

EDLD 730

Dissertation-Pro Seminar

3 credits

EDLD 734

Systems Change 3 credits

Spring II: 1/13/2025 - 4/27/2025

EDLD 802 IPEL II 1 credit
EDLD 712 Research Design 3 credits
EDLD 720 Leadership Theory, Policy and Advocacy 3 credits

Summer II: 5/5/2025 - 8/10/2025

EDLD 724

Special Topics in Education and Leadership

3 credits

EDLD 726

-Or- 728

PhDEL Practicum 

Independent Study

3 credits

Fall III: 8/26/2024 - 12/8/2024

EDLD 722

Leading Institutional Change & Development Symposium

1 credit

EDLD 740


5 credits

Spring III: 1/13/2025 - 4/27/2025

EDLD 803 IPEL III 1 credit

EDLD 740


5 credits

 Summer III: 5/5/2025 - 8/10/2025

EDLD 740


4 credits