Grants | Mindful Health and Resilience Lab

Investigation of a Mindful Loving-Kindness Intervention on Implicit and Behavioral Racial Bias Among a Community Sample of Adults

Amount: $3000
Funding Source: Pacific University 
Dates: July 1, 2023 to June 31, 2024
Role: MPI (A. Simmons & Christopher)

Feasibility and Acceptability of Stress Induction, Physiological Data Collection, and Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction among Combat Veterans with PTSD

Amount: $24,200

Funding Source: NIH/National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

Dates: Jan 1, 2023 to Jan 1, 2025

Role: Co-Mentor (Principal Investigator: J. Kaplan)

Feasibility and Acceptability of Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training for Problematic Alcohol Use, Mental Health, and Aggression in Rural Law Enforcement Officers (3R01AT009841-0471)

Amount: $266,790
Funding Source: NIH/NCCIH 
Dates: Sept. 16, 2022 to Aug. 31, 2024
Role: MPI (Christopher & Bowen)

Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training for Aggression, Stress and Health in Law Enforcement Officers (R01AT009841) 

Amount: $2,497,548
Funding Source: NIH/NCCIH 
Dates: Sept. 21, 2018 to Aug. 31, 2024 (NCE)
Role: MPI (Christopher & Bowen)

Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training for Aggression, Stress and Health in Law Enforcement Officers (R01AT009841-S2 – Diversity Administrative Supplement) 

Amount: $63,424
Funding Source: NIH/NCCIH
Dates: July 10, 2019 to Aug. 31, 2021
Role: Co-Mentor (PI: J. Manuel)

Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training for Aggression, Stress and Health in Law Enforcement Officers (R01AT009841-S1 – Administrative Supplement) 

Amount: $92,707
Funding Source: NIH/NCCIH
Dates: Sept. 21, 2018 to Sept. 20, 2022
Role: MPI (Christopher & Bowen)

Predictors of Positive Adaptations in High Risk and Trauma Impacted Youth: The Role of Executive Function and Regulation (R15HD96495) 

Amount: $380,587
Funding Source: NIH/NICHD 
Dates: July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2022 (NCE)
Role: Co-Investigator (PI: T. Lafavor) 

A Pilot Trial of Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training among Police Officers (R21AT008854)

Amount: $379,500 
Funding Source: NIH/NCCIH
Dates: Aug. 1, 2015 to July 31, 2018 (NCE) 
Role: MPI (Christopher & Hunsinger) 

Mindful Medicine: Improving Physician Mindfulness and Patient Satisfaction

Amount: $29,426
Funding Source: Providence Health System Clinical Transformation Council
Dates: Sept. 1, 2014 to Aug. 31, 2015        
PI: Schroeder
Role: Consultant (Christopher)

Mindfulness-Based Resilience Training (MBRT): Outcomes of a Stress Reduction Program for Law Enforcement Personnel

Amount: $3000
Funding Source: Pacific University (Faculty Development Grant)
Dates: July 1, 2014 to Dec. 31, 2014        
Role: PI (Christopher)

Transcultural Mindfulness Assessment: A Mixed Methods Analysis (R15AT005342)

Amount: $179,601
Funding Source: NIH/NCCAM
Dates: Aug. 1, 2010 to July 31, 2014 (NCE)
Role: PI (Christopher)