Annaleise McCullough
3rd Year | PhD Program | Missoula, MT
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Undergraduate Institution | University of Montana
Research Focus | Infant/Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation implementation and evaluation, risk/protective factors in adolescent LGTBQIA+ populations
Why I Chose Pacific | I was really interested in the scientist-practitioner model and becoming a well-rounded clinician with a generalist approach to training. The mentor model really appealed to me, and the research being conducted at Pacific was exciting and aligned with my interests.
Favorite thing about the program | My cohort and the supportive faculty! Attending grad school is stressful! Having my cohort going through this process with me has been a great source of support and a great resource as we all lean on each other. The faculty of the Ph.D. program have been very supportive, flexible, and mindful of the workloads of students.
Favorite Course | Applied Clinical Psychology I - This course laid the groundwork for our clinical practice. I learned so much about different aspects of clinical treatment and really valued when we would take time in class to practice our skills.
Tips for getting observation hours/exposure to psychology | Finding a job in a mental health related field was really helpful, prior to attending Pacific I worked in support positions in a group home, women's shelter, and crisis hot line to increase my exposure. Many of these places will happily accept volunteer work as well! Additionally, I took some online training in specific topics that related to the research labs I was applying to and found that beneficial during the application process.
Career goal | I want to work with adolescents and young adults in the LGBTQIA+ community, and research this community in order to promote resiliency and better inform care for these individuals.
Hobbies | I enjoy crocheting, sewing, cooking/baking, playing video games, and hiking with my little dog.
Alexandra Gutierrez
2nd Year | PhD Program | Hacienda Heights, CA
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Undergraduate Institution | University of La Verne, La Verne, CA
Research Focus | Exploring levels of cultural competencies within childhood mental health/educational workers.
Why I chose Pacific | I chose Pacific University because of the sense of belonging I felt. When I first did my research about Pacific, it seemed like it was the perfect fit on paper. Then I was able to speak with my now mentor, Dr. Shanley and when she described the things her research lab does, I knew that it was something I wanted to be a part of. Dr. Shanley does work in her lab that works with outside organizations and focuses on implementation and helping the public. She fosters creativity with her students and encourages us to pursue our research interests and does everything she can to support us. Aside from academics, I also love the location of the campus. You can't beat the scenery out here!
Favorite PhD course | Applied Clinical Psychology I – I took this course with Dr. Harold Rosenberg and it made me feel eager for my program. Coming in, I was nervous that the clinical training would be too much for me to handle but in this class Dr. Rosenberg taught us how to conduct a clinical interview. It gave me my first look into what being a clinician looks like and made me feel confident in my abilities and excited to start practicum next year.
Hobbies | In my free time I love to read (and buy an unreasonable amount of books from Powell's), spend time by the water at a beach or a lake, and travel back to California as much as possible to visit my family, my dogs, and go to Disneyland.