Joint PharmD/MS Degree Requirements

The MS degree is earned while studying for the PharmD degree and includes a minimum of 56.5 credits, 30 of which are unique to the MS degree.  The courses required for successful completion of the MS degree are listed below in the following table:

MS Course No. Course Name Credits
PHRM 800 Research Seminar 2
PHRM 801 Research Elective 21
PHRM 802 Advanced Topics in Pharmaceutical Sciences   1
PHRM 803 Scientific Communication I 1
PHRM 804 Scientific Communication II 1
PHRM 805 Thesis 4
PharmD Course No. Course Name Credits
PHRM 500 Pharmacy Foundations 10
PHRM 523 Pharmacokinetics 3
PHRM 524 Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics   5.5
PHRM 524L Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics Lab  0
PHRM 532 Personal & Professional Development I 2
PHRM 713 Research Experience 6

Cost for MS portion of degree

Tuition is based on the cost per credit rates set forth by the School of Pharmacy. Students pay a per-credit tuition rate for the 30 credits of the MS portion of the degree. Currently, the total cost of the MS portion of the degree is $35,820.*

*Based on 30 credits at the 2024-25 per credit rate of $1194; subject to change, but will not increase more than 4% per year