Sponsor: Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center, 4815 N. Assembly St., Spokane, WA 99205
Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon
The Mann-Grandstaff Veterans Affairs Medical Center (VAMC), with Pacific University College of Optometry (PUCO) of Forest Grove, Oregon have developed a one-year residency program in optometry. The fundamental mission of this training program is to provide qualified post-doctorate practitioners with a structured educational experience that will expand their development into exceptional optometric clinicians in the areas of primary care, geriatrics, ocular disease, and surgical co-management. Upon completion of the residency, the clinician will emerge with enhanced clinical skills, knowledge and experience which will elevate him/her beyond entry level practice, making residents suitable candidates for optometry positions in co-management, multidisciplinary settings, and/or post graduate optometric education.
General Information
Residency Program Coordinator:
Len V. Koh, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Residency Program Faculty:
Chad Gosnell, O.D., F.A.A.O., Chief of the Eye Clinic
Anna Wells, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Jeffrey Urness, O.D., F.A.A.O., ABO
Lindsey Kleinschmit, O.D., F.A.A.O.
Virginia Bice, O.D.
Length of Program: 52 weeks, July 1st through June 30th
Number of Positions: 3
Salary: $43,924 – not contingent upon productivity of the resident
Hours: The residents report to the clinic four days per week, from approximately 6:30am-5:00pm, with their additional day off rotating every 4 months.
Leave: Residents earn 10 days paid annual leave and 10 days paid sick leave per year. There are also 11 paid Federal Holidays annually.
Professional Liability Protection: VA residents are protected by the Federal Government in instances of alleged malpractice or negligence resulting from performance of their duties in or for the Veterans Health Administration.
Health Insurance Benefits: The VA provides full medical health insurance to residents.
Certificate of Completion: A certificate of completion will be awarded to the resident upon satisfactory completion of residency requirements. This includes: Completion of a minimum of 1,500 patient encounters. Proficiency in procedures pertaining to primary eye care. Increase knowledge and skill in co-management of co-management of medical-surgical eye conditions. Involvement in the completion of pre-operative and post-operative cataract surgery exams. Proficiency in fitting medical and cosmetic contact lenses. Completion of a publishable manuscript. Completion of a presentation at the annual Northwest Residents Conference.
Program Goals
- Strengthen the Resident’s Primary Care Skills
- To Enhance the Resident’s Skills in Treating the Geriatric Population
- Increase Knowledge and Skill in Co-management of Medical-Surgical Eye Conditions
- Increase Knowledge of Cataract Surgery
- To Strengthen the Resident’s Skill in Detecting and Managing Ocular Disease
- To Stimulate the Resident’s Responsibility for Scholarly Activity
Residency Experience
Scholarly Activities: Residents are expected to author a manuscript suitable for publication and to present this work at the annual Northwest Optometric Residents’ Conference.
Continuing Education: Residents are encouraged to attend continuing education sponsored by the Pacific University College of Optometry and the Department of Veterans Affairs at no charge for credit hours. A nominal fee for printed materials and meals will be required for some Pacific University functions. Authorized absence (AA) from clinical responsibilities can be granted for attendance of educational conferences.
Lecturing: Residents will present a lecture at the annual Northwest Optometric Residents’ Conference prior to the completion of the residency program as well as lecture at the Pacific University Coeur d'Alene conference.
Clinical Privileges: Residents are required to be supervised as per VA Chapter 26. The Optometry Residency Program Supervisor must submit a statement regarding the resident’s level of training, which determines the resident’s privileges. Optometry Staff privileges at the Spokane VAMC are equivalent to the scope of practice permitted by Washington State Law. These laws can be explained in detail by the state board.
Performance Evaluations: The resident will receive written evaluations from the Residency Program Supervisor on a trimester basis. The resident will evaluate the Residency Program Supervisor, attending doctors and the program biannually.
The resident will work at the Spokane VAMC eye clinic four days per week except in cases of vacation, federal holidays, or authorized absence.
Patient Population & Typical Experience: Currently, the Eye Clinic at the Spokane VAMC sees 15,000 patients per year. These patients are generally male with an average age of 66 years. The typical day in the clinic involves general exams, medical follow-ups, and medication review. Diagnosis and treatment of systemic/ocular disease makes up 90 percent of the workload.
Clinical Facilities: The Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center of Spokane, Washington is a modern facility. The clinic is spacious and well-equipped to serve both the veterans and the residency program’s needs.
Specialty Areas at the Spokane VA Medical Center
Services for the Visually Impaired: The Spokane VAMC has one Visual Impairment Services Team (VIST) coordinator, one Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS) and a part time low vision optometrist. The resident will work with the visually impaired team to address the needs of the legally blind and those with low vision at the Spokane VAMC.
Ophthalmology: Cataract surgery is a service now available to veterans. The resident will be involved in the post-operative care. Residents will also observe surgery.
Library and Research Resources: Residents are provided access to the library and computer databases of Pacific University. The library at the Spokane VAMC is available for use by the resident twenty-four hours a day.
Weekly Optometric Seminar: For 2 hours/week, the residents, interns, and staff meet for education. Presentations on patient care, literature review, or current treatments are discussed by all in attendance.
Administration Time: The resident will be given administration time depending upon clinic availability. This time should be spent on research, review of charts, and study.
Computer Access/Email/ Telephone Care: Every exam room in the Spokane VAMC Eye Clinic has a computer that will be available to the resident. There is also Internet access on every computer. The resident will be given an email address through the hospital and can choose to have another email address through the Internet access. Telephone care is handled by the optometry assistant and will be passed to the resident on emergent conditions. It will be the resident’s responsibility to consult with the Residency Coordinator on how the situation should be handled.
Spokane Living
Housing & Cost of Living
One bedroom apartments in the Spokane area range in cost from $1,000-$1,300 per month.
Commuting & Parking
The VAMC has ample parking for employees. Most employees drive but there is also a bus transit system that comes directly to the VA.
Spokane is a small metropolitan city surrounded by diverse recreational opportunities and spectacular scenery. The 76 lakes and four major rivers within 50 miles of the city provide fishing, swimming, rafting and waterskiing during the summer, while the surrounding mountains provide skiing and other sports during the winter. Downtown Spokane offers a collection of restaurants, shopping, parks and classic old buildings.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must earn the degree of Doctor of Optometry from a school or college of optometry accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education prior to the starting date of the residency.
Candidates must have passed the NBEO Part I and have taken Part II by the application deadline. The selected candidate must pass all parts before the start date of the residency. The selected candidate must be eligible for state licensure and obtain licensure in a State, Territory, or Commonwealth of the United States, or in the District of Columbia before completion of the VA residency.
Candidates must be citizens of the United States.
It is the policy of the Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center to provide equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability; to ensure that the workforce profile will clearly reflect a meaningful distribution and utilization of minority and female employees, and to provide for the prompt, fair and impartial consideration and disposition of complaints involving issues of discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or reprisal.
Application Process
Candidates must apply to this residency program through the Optometry Residency Match (ORMatch) online at https://natmatch.com/ormatch/.
The application deadline is January 31.
Call or email today
For additional information about this residency opportunity, please contact:
Len V. Koh, OD
Optometry Services - Eye Clinic 111
Mann-Grandstaff VA Medical Center
4815 N. Assembly St.
Spokane, WA 99205
503-270-6575 | Len.Koh@va.gov