Sponsor and Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, 2043 College Way, Forest Grove, OR 97116
The mission of the Pacific University College of Optometry Pediatric Optometry, Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation residency program is to prepare optometrists for professional excellence by providing advanced clinical experience and academic teaching exposure in pediatrics, vision therapy/rehabilitation, co-management of strabismus and vision therapy in a primary care setting.
Residency Program Coordinators:
John P. Lowery, OD, MEd.
Length of Program: 54 weeks (Starting July 1st through July 14th)
Number of Positions: 1
Salary: $45,000 – not contingent upon productivity of the resident
Hours: Expected range of hours of attendance in a typical week of activities is 40–50 hours. On a rotating basis, the resident will be assigned as the primary on-call provider after hours for the clinics of Pacific University College of Optometry. The on-call duty is shared with College Faculty and the Pacific University Cornea and Contact Lens resident.
Leave: The resident earns ten days paid annual leave and ten days paid sick leave per year
Professional Liability Protection: Provided by Pacific University
Health Insurance Benefits: Health and dental insurance is provided through Pacific University
Certificate of Completion: Fulfillment of program participation for the duration of the program year. Preparing and delivering a presentation at the annual Northwest Residents Conference. Preparing a potentially publishable manuscript.
Program Goals
Goal 1: Provide opportunities for in-depth clinical experience specializing in pediatrics, vision therapy, vision rehabilitation, and co-management of strabismus.
Goal 2: Offer experience in didactic and laboratory education in Vision Therapy and Pediatric Optometry.
Goal 3: Encourage the resident’s pursuit of scholarly activity.
Goal 4: Stimulate a commitment to service in the resident.
Residency Experience
Clinical Activities
The resident will be provided with a large number of patient encounters in a variety of clinical settings with diverse patient populations. These patient encounters will provide exposure to a large variety of pediatric, binocular vision, acquired brain injury and visual information processing conditions and an enhanced experience with co-management of patient care.
Teaching & Lecturing
The resident will serve as an assistant course instructor for second and third year laboratories in the areas of Vision Therapy for Binocular Vision and Oculomotor Dysfunction, and Assessment and Management of Strabismus and Amblyopia. In addition to instruction, the resident will be responsible for some lab grading.
Lecture experience is provided at the annual Northwest Residents Conference where the resident presents an original lecture, case report, or summary of research. The resident may present lectures and workshops in the form of continuing education, grand rounds, classroom presentations.
Scholarly Activities
The resident is required to complete a research paper, literature review or case report of publishable quality by the end of the residency program to present at the annual Northwest Residents Conference. Attendance is encouraged at Pacific University sponsored continuing education programs and the registration fees are waived. The resident is also encouraged to attend other educational programs.
Administration | Research Time
The resident will be given four hours per week each semester of unscheduled creative time to devote to research, scholarly work and professional development. This time will be appropriately scheduled on days when residency faculty are available to mentor the resident during their scholarly pursuits.
Weekly Optometric Seminar
The resident will meet weekly with the residency faculty to discuss patient care issues. During the weekly resident seminar, time is devoted for literature review, research projects and in-depth discussion of pediatric, binocular vision, neuro-rehabilitation and vision therapy related topics of interest. The resident is expected to use their creative time to review the current literature prior to the weekly seminar and work on research projects. In addition, the resident coordinates a roundtable case conference with the college faculty monthly.
Library & Research Resources
The resident is provided access to the libraries and computer databases of both Pacific University and Oregon Health and Science University. Access is provided to the College's in-house references including texts, journals, audio-visuals, and computer-based resources. Residents are permitted to use the computer work stations in the Student Computer Room in Jefferson Hall and will receive audio-visual support in generating slides, videos, overheads, etc., for use in presentations or papers being developed as part of the residency experience. Access to the extensive ophthalmic library at Casey Eye Institute is also available.
Computer, Email & Telephone Access
Computers with Internet access are available for use in the school and library at Pacific University. The resident is assigned an email address.
Performance Evaluations
The resident will receive quarterly written evaluations from the residency program coordinator. The resident will evaluate the residency program and the residency program coordinator at mid-year and at the end of the year.
Pacific Eye Clinic – Portland
This clinic, located in a medical building in downtown Portland, serves the eye care needs of Multnomah County and is a full scope primary care facility. This is where the resident participates in a full day per week of patient care in the Ocular Motility and Neuro Optometry Center (OMNO) – a co-management clinic directed by an optometric physician, Dr. Paula Luke, and a pediatric ophthalmologist, Dr. David Wheeler. Observation of strabismus surgery is an element of this experience.
Pacific Eye Clinic – Forest Grove
Located in the newer section of Jefferson Hall on the Forest Grove campus, this clinic serves the eye care needs of Western Washington County and is a full scope primary care facility. This is a specialty referral service that will provide one half day per week of vision therapy experience, and one full day per week of pediatric primary care including care of special populations.
Veterans Administration Portland Health Care System (VAPORHCS)
The VAPORHCS hospital serves the veterans of Northern Oregon and Southwest Washington in a hospital-based setting. Vision rehabilitation opportunities include post-trauma, acquired brain injury, low vision and other conditions unique to a largely elderly, male population. The resident will assist in providing direct vision rehabilitation care as part of a multidisciplinary team one full day per week. This is an excellent experience for the resident to manage a wide variety of ocular and systemic pathologies that affects binocular vision and vision perception.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must earn the degree of Doctor of Optometry from a school or college of optometry accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education prior to the starting date of the residency program.
Candidates must pass all portions of the NBEO and attain Oregon state licensure prior to the starting date of the residency. Candidates do not need to be a U.S. Citizen. Non-citizens must either be living in the USA as a "Permanent Resident" or must be eligible for F-1 Optional Practical Training (F-1 OPT) status.
Pacific University’s policy of non-discrimination based on gender, race, religion, creed, national origin, sexual orientation or non-disqualifying physical disabilities will be strictly upheld during the selection process.
Application Process
Candidates must apply to this residency program through the Optometry Residency Match (ORMatch) online at natmatch.com/ORMatch.
Furnish official transcripts of all optometric and graduate education
Submit an essay describing the career choices, experiences and motivation for applying
Three letters of reference from individuals familiar with the applicant’s clinical and academic performance
Be available for a formal interview with the Residency Committee.
Application Deadline: January 31
Living & Resources
Housing & Cost of Living
One and two bedroom apartments in the Portland metropolitan area start at about $1400 per month. Month-to-month lease options are sometimes available.
Portland has been described as the "city of books, beer, bikes and blooms," and offers numerous activities involving all of these aspects. Outdoor adventures abound with Mt. Hood, the Oregon Coast, forests and several rivers within 60 miles from the city limits. Portland’s events and festivals provide new forms of entertainment throughout the year.
Call or Email Today
For additional information about this residency opportunity, please contact:
Graham B. Erickson, OD | Residency Coordinator
Pacific University College of Optometry
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116
503-352-3197 | graham@pacificu.edu