Sponsor: Northwest Eye Care Professionals, Beaverton, Clackamas, Hillsboro OR and Vancouver, WA
Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon
The Vision Rehabilitation | Pediatric Optometry and Neuro Optometry Residency Program at Northwest Eye Care Professionals provides qualified graduate optometrists with advanced clinical experience in the management and treatment of vision disorders. The resident will engage in both modeling and direct patient contact including cases in amblyopia|strabismus, acquired brain injury, developmental delays and vision related learning difficulties. Graduate optometrists will play a key role in implementing a unique community based program that will screen and determine treatment for children with vision and complex medical needs. These experiences will facilitate the resident's development into an exceptional clinician offering specialized skills in optometric care for vision rehabilitation patients and persons with binocular and developmental vision impairment.
General Information
Residency Program Coordinators:
Bruce Wojciechowski, OD, FCOVD
Macson Lee, OD, FCOVD
Residency Supervisors:
John Reski, OD
Kevin Dittlinger, OD
Julia Sirianni, OD
Scotty Morris, OD
Elizabeth Powers, OD
Administrative Supervisors:
Danyel Johnson, ABOC
Ghislene Teyssier
Length of Program: 13 months, starting July 1 through July 31
Number of Positions: 2
Salary: $45,000 – not contingent upon productivity of the resident
Hours: Approximately 40 hours per week will be assigned. After hours on-call assignments will be made on a periodic basis. Participation in community screening activities will be required on a periodic basis.
Sample Week in the Life of a Resident
Tuesday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Wednesday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Thursday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
The typical weekly schedule for the resident is Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday mornings are reserved for scholarly activities and administrative time.
This schedule includes 4.5 days of patient care with approximately 80% of the resident’s time involved with primarily direct care with some clinical observation of patients. The remaining 20% of the resident’s time will include case discussions and consultations, didactic and scholarly activities. Scholarly activities and administrative time varies. Days and hours can change based on quarters.
After hours on-call assignments will be made on a periodic basis.
Leave: Residents earn 10 days of paid leave that can be used for vacation, education, or illness.
Professional Liability Protection: Provided by NWECP
Health Insurance Benefits: Offered through NWECP at nominal cost
Certificate of Completion: A certificate of completion will be awarded to the resident upon satisfactory fulfillment of residency requirements as outlined in the Pacific University College of Optometry residency program supplemental policy manual and Northwest Eye Care’s guidelines for residency program completion.
Program Goals
Goal 1: Enhance the resident’s examination skills in vision development and rehabilitation.
Goal 2: Strengthen the resident’s expertise in the diagnosis and management of vision problems in binocular, visual information processing and vision rehabilitation.
Goal 3: Expand the resident’s knowledge in managing patients with developmental delays, learning issues and acquired brain injury.
Goal 4: Expand the resident’s knowledge of binocular and perceptual vision problems.
Goal 5: Develop the resident’s communication skills that are required for successful provision of services in vision therapy and rehabilitation.
Goal 6: Develop the resident's understanding of the business and accounting aspects of successful management of a practice devoted to children, rehabilitation, and vision therapy.
Goal 7: Develop the resident's skill in presenting topics to fellow professionals.
Goal 8: Instill in the resident an appreciation of the importance of scholarly activity
Goal 9: Recognize the importance of coordinating care with outside multi-disciplinary providers.
Residency Experience
Strengths of the Program
The resident will gain clinical experience in all aspects of vision therapy and rehabilitative care. In addition to the clinical experience available at Northwest Eye Care Professionals, the resident has the opportunity to see patients at external multidisciplinary clinics. These locations provide exposure to a wider variety of conditions.
The resident will meet on a weekly basis with the residency coordinator for discussion of current cases.
The development of the resident’s understanding of the business and accounting aspects of successful management of a practice devoted to children, rehabilitation, and vision therapy is facilitated by interaction with the practice’s office manager and billing and insurance coordinators.
Scholarly Activities
The Resident is expected to author at least one manuscript suitable for publication and to present this work at the annual Northwest Residents Conference at Pacific University. The resident may attend Pacific University sponsored continuing education programs and the registration fees are waived during the residency year. The resident is encouraged to attend other educational programs; however, travel, lodging, meals and incidental expenses remain the resident’s responsibility.
Performance Evaluations
The resident will receive written evaluations quarterly and verbal feedback from the residency program coordinator on a regular basis. The resident will evaluate the residency program and coordinator at least twice during the residency year.
Our offices in Clackamas and Beaverton, OR, and Vancouver, WA are equipped with current diagnostic and treatment equipment. In addition to vision therapy equipment, the resident has access to OCT, VF, VEP, ERG, and fundus photography.
Patient Population
The patient base is primarily in the area of pediatrics, strabismus and amblyopia, learning related vision problems and acquired brain injuries.
Library & Research Resources
The Resident is provided electronic access to the libraries and computer databases of Pacific University.
Computer, Email & Telephone Access
The clinic is equipped with computers that have internet and email access. All rooms have work stations for easy access to electronic health records. The resident has the opportunity to have a personal email account.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidate must earn the degree of Doctor of Optometry from a school or college of optometry accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education.
Candidate must pass all three parts of the NBEO and attain Oregon State Licensure prior to the starting date of the residency program. Obtaining a Washington State Licensure is also recommended, but not required.
Northwest Eye Care Professionals affirms that all candidates will be evaluated without regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin, or non-disqualifying physical disabilities.
Application Process
Contact the residency program coordinator and be available for a personal interview.
Apply to this residency program through the Optometric Residency Matching Service, Inc. (ORMatch) online at www.natmatch.com/ormatch. Application deadline is January 31.
Furnish official transcripts of all optometric and graduate education.
Furnish official NBEO scores.
Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the candidate’s clinical and academic performance.
Candidates must provide a brief essay stating reasons for applying to this program.
Living In Portland, OR
Set against the backdrop of the beautiful Mount Hood, Portland’s “hipster” culture has become a favorite destination for many. The Portland Metropolitan area is home to some of the best breweries, wineries, and food carts in the world. The area offers a vast variety of activities including skiing, hiking, bicycling, sightseeing, along with cultural and community events throughout the year.
Call or Email Today
For additional information about these residency opportunities, please contact:
Bruce Wojciechowski, OD, FCOVD
15259 SE 82nd Drive #101
Clackamas, OR 97015