Sponsor: ICON Eyecare, 10520 El Diente Court, Suite A, Englewood, CO 80112
Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon
ICON's residency mission is to cultivate knowledge and skill to produce confident, inspired optometrists to serve our patient and professional community.
At ICON, we are committed to serve the needs of our patients and hold ourselves accountable to the highest standard of eye care. ICON provides residents with direct and in-depth contact with patients using a multi-specialty, high volume, hands on learning experience in refractive surgery, ocular disease, comprehensive eye care and co-management. Our goal is to provide advanced clinical knowledge and skills that increase the resident's diagnostic, disease management, patient care competencies and interprofessional communication for increasingly better clinical outcomes.
General Information
Residency Program Coordinator: Dr. Seamus Martin
Length of Program: 13 month (July 1st through July 31st)
Number of Positions: 1
Salary: $43,000 – not contingent upon productivity of the resident
Other Employment: Additional employment (moonlighting) during the tenure of this residency is not permitted without the consent of the residency coordinator at ICON.
- Monday (8:00-5:00): Medical General/Clinic
- Tuesday (8:00-5:00): Medical General/Clinic
- Wednesday (7:30-5:00): Professional Development AM / General Clinic PM
- Thursday (8:00-5:00): General Clinic
- Friday (8:00-5:00): General Clinic
*The resident will have the opportunity to observe surgery as the schedule allows Monday-Friday.
- Thursday, Friday, or Saturday - refractive and cataract surgery.
- Tuesday - cataract and glaucoma surgery.
- Wednesday - cataract and corneal surgery
Approximately 40 hours per week will be assigned. After hours on-call assignments may be made on an as-needed basis.
“On-Call” is the period of time for which the resident is responsible for responding to urgent/emergent after-hours calls or those calls which may come during regular business hours that cannot be immediately attended to by ICON physicians. On the rare occasion that the resident would be required to come to clinic after hours the residency coordinator will accompany the resident.
Health, Professional and Leave Benefits:
The resident will be provided health insurance by ICON. Insurance will not cover dependents/family.
Professional liability insurance will be provided by ICON for residency related activities at all ICON affiliated locations.
Fourteen days of paid leave are provided to the resident. These days are separate from those days on which the involved clinics are normally closed: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas day. If the clinic is closed, provision of these vacation days is automatic and does not require approval or submission of a leave request form. The resident may be required to provide on-call services during some of these days. Three additional educational leave days may be used at the resident’s discretion, but they must be requested sixty (60) days in advance so that scheduling changes can be accommodated.
Three days of educational leave are provided. These days are intended to allow the resident to attend meetings pertaining to his/her residency training. The resident must submit a request at least sixty (60) days in advance to attend educational/professional meetings. If the resident has a leave balance sufficient to cover the request, the supervisor will then approve or disapprove the request. The resident is responsible for notifying the residency supervisor, Seamus Martin, OD, of the days that the resident will not be available to provide clinical services. ICON does not provide funding for meeting registration, housing or transportation costs for the resident. Therefore, it is encouraged that travel grants/scholarships provided by the specific meeting (AOA, AAO, etc.) be applied for in advance.
The resident should understand that any on-call duties may be concurrent with some expected leave days. Residents should plan ahead and consult with the residency coordinator to avoid conflicts.
Certificate of Completion: A certificate of completion will be awarded to the resident upon satisfactory completion of residency requirements as outlined in the Pacific University College of Optometry Administrative Guide for Affiliated Residency Programs and ICON Eyecare guidelines for residency program completion.
Program Goals
Goal 1: Enhance the resident’s clinical knowledge and understanding of refractive surgery and ocular disease.
Goal 2: Strengthen the resident’s expertise in the diagnosis and management of anterior segment ocular disease with emphasis on refractive and ocular surgery.
Goal 3: Expand the resident’s knowledge of pre- and post-refractive and ocular surgery complications.
Goal 4: Develop the resident’s skill in presenting topics to resident professionals.
Goal 5: Instill in the resident an appreciation of the importance of scholarly activity.
Residency Experience
Strengths of the Program
The resident will experience a multi-specialty, multi-modality clinical setting including an on-site, fully Medicare approved ambulatory surgery center (ASC). The most advanced technology is available including Zeimer Galalei tomography, ocular response analyzer (ORA), HD-OCT, manual A/B-scan and UBM, topography guided testing and laser equipment, wavefront guided testing and laser equipment and femtosecond cataract and LASIK equipment. Comanagement with referring doctors and other specialties is expected.
Scholarly Activities
The resident will write a paper of publishable quality based upon original research, literature review, or a clinical case that is suitable for submission to a refereed professional journal under the guidance and support of the Residency Coordinator.
The resident will present a lecture at the annual Northwest Residents Conference at Pacific University. The resident may also have the opportunity to present posters, papers, or lectures in other settings such as local or state optometric organizations or continuing education events sponsored by ICON.
The resident will assist in any on-going laboratory and/or clinical investigation(s) initiated by ICON faculty members. The resident will also be encouraged to generate their own studies/seminal work, but it will not be required for successful completion of their residency program.
Clinical Activities
Library & Research Resources
The resident is provided electronic access to the libraries and computer databases of Pacific University.
Computer, Email & Telephone Access
The resident’s workspace is equipped with a telephone, computer, internet and email access.
Performance Evaluations
The resident will meet on a weekly basis with the residency supervisor for discussion of current cases. The resident will receive quarterly written evaluations from the residency program coordinator. The resident will evaluate the residency program and the residency program coordinator at mid-year and at the end of the year.
Application Process | Eligibility Criteria
Applications are processed through the Optometric Residency Match (ORMatch)
- This program uses the Optometric Residency Match (ORMatch). All applicants must complete and return application forms by the ORMatch application deadline. Supporting documents should be submitted directly to the Residency Coordinator no later than January 30. Applicants must complete the ORMatch application and forward it to the ORMatch as directed in the application. Applicants are responsible for ensuring that all supporting documentation, including the complete transcript of the applicant’s optometric education, is submitted to each entity involved, i.e., ICON and ORMatch.
- Applicant must have earned an O.D. degree, or will have earned such a degree by the time of matriculation, from an ACOE accredited school/college of optometry.
- Applicant will furnish an official transcript from his/her school/college of optometry. The ideal candidate will have a cumulative grade point average greater than 3.0 or higher on a 4.0 scale in the professional optometric curriculum.
- Applicant must pass all parts of the National Board of Examiners in Optometry examinations required for Colorado licensure and furnish official transcripts when available. If accepted, the resident must be able to obtain a Colorado optometry license prior to the July 1 starting date of the residency program.
- Three letters of recommendation are required. It is requested that one of the letters come from someone outside the profession of optometry/ophthalmology.
- Candidates must provide a brief essay stating reasons for applying to this program.
- Finalists will be invited for a personal interview by the residency selection committee.
- The resident will be selected from among candidates of whom, if hired, can present evidence of legal right to live and work in the United States.
- All applicants will be evaluated for selection without regard to sex, race, color, creed, age, national origin, or non-disqualifying physical disabilities.
Living in Denver
Denver offers amazing amenities and incredible outdoor activities year-round, including world class skiing/snowboarding, rock climbing, white water rafting, fishing, hiking, camping, etc. The Super Bowl 50 winning Denver Broncos, as well as professional baseball, basketball, hockey and soccer are at your fingertips. Denver also offers an incredible food and drink scene boasting some of the highest micro-breweries per capita in the country. Red rocks amphitheater is one of the premier music venues in the country, as well as many other incredible music locales.
Call or Email Today
For additional information about this residency opportunity, please contact:
Seamus Martin, OD
Residency Program Coordinator
ICON Eyecare
10520 El Diente Court, Suite A
Englewood, CO 80112
720-524-1001 | Seamus.Martin@iconeyecare.com