Sponsor: Doctors Vision Centres Stonewall, Box 907, Stonewall, MB R0C 2Z0
Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon
**U.S. and Canadian Residents Eligible to Apply. Benefits Include FREE Housing and Healthcare**
The Paediatric, Vision Therapy and Rehabilitation Optometry Residency Program at Doctors Vision Centre Stonewall provides qualified graduate optometrists with advanced clinical experience in the management of vision disorders through both modeling and direct patient contact including cases of unusual genetic anomalies (albinism, congenital X-Linked stationary night blindness), amblyopia/strabismus, acquired brain injury, developmental delays and vision related learning difficulties. These experiences will facilitate the resident’s development into an exceptional clinician offering specialized skills in optometric care for vision rehabilitation patients and persons with binocular and developmental vision impairment.
General Information
Residency Program Coordinator: Dawn A Dunford, OD, FCOVD
Length of Program: 54 weeks (July 2nd - July 14th)
Number of Positions: 1
Salary: $38,000 Canadian – not contingent upon productivity of the resident
Hours: Expected range of hours of attendance in a typical week of activities is 40-50 hours. Approximate Doctors Vision Centre Stonewall hours are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 8:00-5:00, and Wednesday 12 -8pm.
Leave: Residents earn 10 days of paid leave that can be used for vacation, education, or illness.
Professional Liability Protection: Provided by Doctors Vision Centres Stonewall
Other Benefits:
- Residents will be provided with furnished housing within walking distance of the clinic (approximate value $12,000).
- Residents will have access to free healthcare as part of the benefits of residing in Canada.
- Upon successful completion of licensing in Manitoba we will reimburse 50% of the annual license costs.
- Doctors Vision Centre will pay $1,000 each towards the cost of attending three optometry conferences over the course of your residency. These would include the annual Northwest Residents Conference at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon, COVD, and another of your choosing.
Criteria for Completion of Residency:
- Attend and document all assigned clinical, scholarly, and didactic activities.
- Complete a residency project, meet all interim deadlines, and present the project at the Northwest Residents Conference.
- Achieve "expected" or above ratings in the Clinical Performance and Case Management Skills, Professionalism and Interpersonal Skills, and Teaching and Supervisory Skills sections on all resident evaluations, or successfully complete a remediation program. For "Below Average" evaluations in other areas, improve performance to the satisfaction of the Residency Coordinator and the Director of Residency Programs.
- Complete all assigned evaluations of the Program and Residency Coordinator. In addition:
- The Resident is required to deliver clinical services at a level that is satisfactory to the Resident Coordinator of DVC Stonewall, the Director of Residency Programs at PUCO, and the administration of PUCO.
- The Resident will be required to write a paper based on original research, literature review or a clinical case for publication in an acceptable professional journal.
- The Resident will be expected to perform in a professional manner in the delivery of professional care services and to observe the proprieties of conduct and courtesies that are consistent with the rules and regulations governing DVC Stonewall.
- The Resident will be required to participate in and complete the requirements set forth in the curriculum.
Program Goals
Goal 1: Enhance the resident’s examination skills in vision rehabilitation
Goal 2: Strengthen the resident’s expertise in the diagnosis and management of vision problems in binocular, perceptual vision and vision rehabilitation.
Goal 3: Expand the resident’s knowledge in managing patients with acquired brain injury and developmental delays.
Goal 4: Expand the resident’s knowledge in managing paediatric cases.
Goal 5: Expand the resident’s knowledge of binocular and perceptual vision problems.
Goal 6: Develop the resident’s communication skills that are required for successful provision of services in vision rehabilitation.
Goal 7: Develop the resident’s understanding of the business and accounting aspects of successful management of a practice devoted to children, rehabilitation, and vision therapy.
Goal 8: Develop the resident’s skill in presenting topics to fellow professionals.
Residency Experience
Strengths of the Program
The Resident will gain clinical experience at Doctors Vision Centre Stonewall. Modern diagnostic instrumentation is readily accessible, as are Faculty who are experienced in all aspects of vision rehabilitative care. The resident will meet on a biweekly basis with the Residency Coordinator for discussion of current cases. The resident has the opportunity to see patients at external northern clinics in addition to the clinical experience available at the Doctors Vision Centre Stonewall. These locations provide exposure to a wider variety of conditions. The exact schedule for these visits will be determined by the Resident Coordinator. The Resident Coordinator will be present during most of the residency except for personal time and/or professional time at meetings.
Scholarly Activities
The resident is expected to author at least one manuscript suitable for publication and to present this work at the annual Northwest Residents Conference at Pacific University. The resident may attend Pacific University sponsored continuing education programs and the registrations fees are waived during the residency year. The resident is encouraged to attend other educational programs, however, travel, lodging, meals and incidental expenses remain the resident’s responsibility.
Library & Research Resources
The resident is provided electronic access to the libraries and computer databases of Pacific University.
Computer, Email & Telephone Access
The clinic is equipped with computers that have internet and email access. Most rooms have work stations for easy access to health records. The resident has the opportunity to have a personal email account.
Performance Evaluations
The resident will receive verbal feedback and quarterly written evaluations from the residency program coordinator. The resident will evaluate the residency program and the Residency Program Coordinator at mid-year and at the end of the year.
The patient base is primarily based in the area of pediatrics, strabismus, and amblyopia, learning related vision problems and acquired brain injuries. The facilities include three refracting lanes and three therapy rooms. Special testing and therapy equipment includes FDT, OCT, Humphrey VF, Fundus Camera, Corneal Topographer, Computer Orthoptics-Liquid Crystal Vision Therapy Automated Vision Therapy, Sanet Visual Integrator, Readalyzer and a variety of other vision therapy equipment.
Eligibility Criteria
Candidates must earn the degree of Doctor of Optometry from a school or college of optometry accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education
Candidate must pass all three parts of the NBEO and attain a BC License and then transfer said license to Manitoba OR pass the Canadian Boards and attain a Manitoba license prior to the starting date of the residency program.
Doctors Vision Centre Stonewall affirms that all candidates will be evaluated without regard to sex, race, color, creed, national origin or non-disqualifying physical disabilities.
Application Process
Contact the Residency Coordinator and be available for a personal interview
Candidates must apply to this residency program through the Optometry Residency Match (ORMatch) online at natmatch.com/ORMatch.
Furnish official transcripts of all optometric and graduate education
Furnish official NBEO score or Canadian Boards score.
Three letters of recommendation from individuals familiar with the candidate's clinical and academic performance
Candidates must provide a brief essay stating reasons for applying to this program
Living in Stonewall, Manitoba Canada
Stonewall is a bedroom community located 20 minutes northwest of Winnipeg. The area offers a rich variety of activities including Folklorama, sightseeing, hiking, beaches and restaurants. The area has cultural and community events throughout the year.
Call or Email Today
For additional information about this residency opportunity, please contact:
Dawn A Dunford, OD, FCOVD
Box 907
Stonewall, MB Canada
R0C 2Z0
204 467 8044 | 204 467 9611 (fax) | drdawn@doctorsvision.ca