Advising & Academic Support

In the College of Arts & Sciences at Pacific University, we go to great lengths to make sure that each student has every opportunity to succeed.

Students who are experiencing academic difficulty should be proactive in seeking help. They should meet with their professors to clarify course goals and expectations, monitor their progress in courses, and receive information about campus academic support services. Students should meet with their faculty academic advisors to discuss challenges and the means by which they may best navigate them.

We also have an Advising Center as well as Tutoring and Learning Center to assist our undergraduate students in their academic pursuits.

Workshops are offered free to students on note-taking skills, test preparation and time management. Some academic departments also offer tutoring services—students should ask their professors if a particular department offers such tutoring. The Office of Accessibility & Accomodation (OAA) Services provides services to students with documented disabilities.

Students who live on campus are encouraged to ask for assistance from their Resident Assistants and Resident Directors and transfer students are encouraged to work with the Office of Transfer Student Services for advice and counsel.

Students who take advantage of the excellent help available can usually overcome their academic difficulties.

If students require additional information or help, they should contact the Associate Dean of Arts & Sciences at 503-352-2717. We are here to help and eager to work with students who are willing to do what it takes to succeed.

Faculty Advising for Your Student

Experience has shown that successful Pacific University students all have one thing in common—a close working relationship with at least one faculty member. The faculty at Pacific is committed to teaching and working closely with students. You can be instrumental in encouraging your son or daughter to begin right away forging good relationships with faculty.

Each Pacific student has a faculty advisor. Students are assigned advisors according to the academic areas in which they have expressed an interest. However, students may change their advisor anytime they wish. When students decide on a major they usually select an advisor in that department. Faculty advisors present students with a set of options and help them make informed choices about their academic program. It is important for students to take advantage of the advice and expertise faculty advisors are ready to share. A good question to ask a new student is, "When was the last time you had a good conversation with your advisor?"

While faculty advisors are excellent sources of information, responsibility for meeting academic requirements and making wise academic decisions ultimately rests with the students. We believe strongly that students will learn the most if they take ownership of their academic program.

Students are expected to know and check on degree requirements, meet deadlines, and generally take responsibility for their own education.

Courses, academic regulations and requirements for graduation are explained in great detail in the College of Arts and Sciences catalog. Copies of the catalog can be obtained through the office of the College of Arts and Sciences (503-352-2201) or online. This is also the office to contact for questions regarding the academic program.