May 17 Commencement: Recruiting Event Staff

Commencement isn't possible without a great event staff team! We appreciate your interest in supporting one or both of the commencement ceremonies on May 17, 2025.

9 a.m. | Undergraduate Schools & Colleges Ceremony
1:30 p.m. | Graduate and Professional Schools & Colleges Ceremony

Over 50 individuals are needed to greet guests, assist with student line-up, drive a golf cart, and countless other ways at both the morning (approx. 7-11 a.m.) and afternoon (approx. 11:30-3:30 p.m.) ceremonies. Sign up to work a four- or eight-hour shift and earn floating holiday hours (salary/exempt employees only) or hourly staff are paid for hours worked but please make arrangements with your supervisor first. Also, enjoy snacks, beverages, and pizza in the event staff lounge.

Register here to assist at commencement and join the event staff team.

Commencement Floating Holiday
Exempt staff who work at commencement will be awarded commencement floating holiday hours to be used through April 30, 2026; up to four hours per shift (or eight hours for the entire day). Learn more about this policy that was approved in the spring of 2024. 

If you are an hourly non-exempt employee, please work with your supervisor to adjust your schedule to work at this event.

Contact Info
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to Event Staff Coordinator Maegan Jossy.

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