The College of Education is excited to announce the following leadership updates for the School of Learning and Teaching and the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders.
Anita Zijdemans Boudreau has been named the Director of the School of Learning and Teaching. Dr. Zijdemans Boudreau brings expertise in scholarship and teaching in eLearning, design thinking, culturally responsive practice and learning communities.
She joined Pacific university in 2006 as an associate professor and has been involved in teacher education since 1995, teaching courses such as Critical Perspectives in Education, Educational Research, Human Development & Applied Psychology, & Educational Technology.
Peter Flipsen has been named the Interim Director of the School of Communication Sciences and Disorders. Dr. Flipsen's research and teaching focus on speech sound disorders in children.
He joined Pacific University in 2013 as a professor and is certified as a speech-language pathologist in both the United States and Canada. He co-authored the recently published Articulation and Phonological Disorders: Speech Sound Disorders in Children, Ninth Edition.