Stress & Anxiety Resources

Watch videos created for Pacific University students by The Student Counseling Center: Create Your Own RoutineProgressive Muscle RelaxationWise Mind and Mindful Coping.

Learn more about managing stress at The American Institute for Stress (AIS)

Learn about coping strategies at Tips on how to Manage Anxiety and Stress from the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA). Listen to a relaxation meditation.

Apps can be an accesible way to engage with coping skills:

Breathe2Relax logoBreathe2Relax helps you discover how to harness the power of breath to combat stress, control anger and anxiety, and improve your mood and induce calm.

Calm logoCalm provides different guided relaxation sessions, ranging from 2 to 30 minutes.

Headspace logoHeadspace is a gym membership for your mind. Meditation made simple.

Mindfulness Coach logoMindfulness Coach provides a gradual, self-guided training program designed to help you understand and adopt a simple mindfulness practice. 

Mindshift logo MindShift teaches relaxation skills, develops new thinking, and suggests healthy activities.

SAM logoSelf-help for Anxiety Management (SAM) offers a range of self-help methods for people who are serious about learning to manage their anxiety through this engaging, flexible, and practical resource.

SmilingMind logoSmilingMind is designed to help bring balance to people's lives. Just as we eat well and stay fit to keep our body healthy, mindfulness meditation is about mental health and looking after the mind.

Contact Us

Forest Grove Clinic
2142 College Way 

Hillsboro Clinic
730 SE Oak Street, Ste. D 

Phone: 503-352-2191


SCC 24/7 Support & Crisis Line | 503-352-2999

Mailing Address
UC Box A174
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116