Legacy Transcripts

Need help understanding your Pacific University transcript through the years? Here is your explanation of codes appearing on legacy transcripts.


All credit earned at Pacific University is expressed in semester hours. 124 semester hours required for the bachelor’s degree.

Course Numbering

Course Number Codes
100-299 Lower Division
300-499 Upper Division (undergraduate)
500+ or G Graduate Level


Grade Codes
A, A- Excellent
B+, B, B- Good
C+, C, C- Satisfactory
D+, D Substandard
F Failed
H Honors, distinguished achievement
P Passing, equivalent of C or above at the undergraduate level and B or above at the graduate level, and denoting specific proficiency standards in the College of Optometry
HP High passing
N Not passing, failure to meet proficiency standards
TF Technical Failure, student stopped attending class but failed to withdraw
WF Withdrawn Failing
WP Withdrawn Passing
L Late, instructor failed to turn grade in on time
W Withdrawn
WA Administrative withdrawal
I Incomplete
S Satisfactory (not in current use)
* Course was “audited” (beginning fall 1984-85) 
- (through 1987-88)
X (1988)
Continuing courses, grade and credit to appear in a later term if the course is completed


The following calendar codes are the first two digits before the year for each term of courses and grades. For example, Term 1 in 1983-84 would be designated 1784, 1S84.

Fall 1973 through Summer 1984
During this period, Pacific was on a 7-7-3 calendar. A full load during the 7-week term was 6 semester hours, and a full load during the 3-week term was 3 semester hours.
1 and 2 First and second 7-week term (fall)
3 Winter 3-week term
4 and 5 Third and fourth 7-week term (spring)
6 Spring 3-week term
7 Summer school term
During this time the College of Optometry offered courses on a 14-week (or longer) schedule. Courses showing “O” hours credit are continuing courses for which credit will be assigned, or being audited, or 14-week courses in which the student withdrew after the first seven weeks. 
Fall 1978-1979
The College of Optometry, Physical Therapy, and Teaching of the Hearing Impaired scheduled courses on a semester basis. The terms for these three programs appeared on the transcript as follows from 1978-84.
Term 2 First semester
Term 3 Winter 3-week term
Term 5 Second semester
Term 6 Spring 3-week term
Term 7 Summer school session
Fall 1984 through Summer 1986
17 First 7-week term
27 Second 7-week term
W3 Winter 3-week term
37 Third 7-week term
47 Fourth 7-week term
Sp Spring 3-week term
1S First semester
2S Second semester
S1 First summer session (3 weeks)
S2 Second summer session (3 weeks)
S3 Third summer session (3 weeks)
Su Summer session, general
Fall 1986-1987
Pacific University returned to a conventional semester calendar in the Fall of 1986-1987.
Fall 1984 through Spring 1994
1S First semester
W3 Winter 3-week term
2S Second semester
3S Third semester of 1986-87
Used only by graduate School of Professional Psychology
Summer sessions same as Fall 1984-1986, with the addition of S4 (fourth summer session)
Y(Year) Full academic year starting summer through spring. This designation ended Fall 1996
Fall 1994 to Present
FA Fall
W Winter 3-week term
S Spring
U Summer

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