Areas I Teach
Teaching Responsibilities:
DPT 542: Principles of Therapeutic Exercise and Motor Learning
DPT 561: Foundations of the Physical Therapy Profession
DPT 562: Foundations of the Physical Therapy Profession II
DPT 570: Clinical Internship I
DPT 642: Clinical Internship II
DPT 723: Clinical Internship III
DPT 724: Clinical Internship IV
DPT 725: Clinical Internship V
Areas of Interest:
Pediatric physical therapy
Aquatic physical therapy
International service learning
DPT, Creighton University, 2010
BS, Creighton University, 2007
Work Experience:
Dr. Wong was previously employed at Legacy Health, Development and Rehabilitation –Salmon Creek, in Vancouver, Washington where she focused on pediatric patient care. Prior to this opportunity, she worked at Creighton Pediatric Therapy in Omaha Nebraska, where she served many roles including Site Coordinator for Clinical Education, Aquatics Program Director, Mentor for the Creighton University Pediatric Residency Program, and Clinical Instructor. She was also an instructor in the Physical Therapy Department at Creighton University, where she served as a lab assistant, a member of their Admissions Committee, and provided guest lectures. On six separate occasions, Dr. Wong traveled to underserved populations in the Dominican Republic as a clinical instructor and pediatric residency mentor
Clinical Certifications:
American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2014 - present
Pediatric Certified Specialist (PCS)
Peer Reviewed Presentations:
Sevick, M. Wong, S. (2018). Feasibility of Modified Ride-on Car Use in the Home/Community with Children with Medical Complexity. Poster Presentation. AOTA Annual Conference 2018.
Welch, M. Wong, S. (2018). GoBabyGo: Roles, Research, and Application. Educational Session. NOTA Spring Conference, March 2018.
Wong, S., Sevick, M. (2017). Modified Ride on Car as an Alternative to Traditional Therapy Intervention for a Child with Medical Complexity: A Case Study. Poster Presentation. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2018.
O’Loughlin, J. Wong, S. (2017). Progression of Independent Mobility in a Child with Down Syndrome. Poster Presentation. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy, APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2018.
Schumacher, M. Hoffman, J. Knight, H. Wong, S. (2018). The Impact of Integrating Global Health with Clinical Education on Physical Therapy Students. Poster Presentation. Global Health Conference Midwest 2018.
Wong, S. (2017). Two Different Models of Aquatic Therapy Summer Camp to Address Individual and Group Physical Activity Goals. Practice Fair Presentation. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference 2017.
Wong, S. (2017). Thinking Outside of the Boppy. Practice Fair Presentation. Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference 2017.
Beckloff, K. Wong, S. (2016). Aquatic Therapy for Early Mobility in a Child with Late Onset Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip: A Case Study. Platform Presentation. Aquatic Section, APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2017.
Wong, S. Sevick, M. (2016). Implementing Go Baby Go through Interprofessional Collaboration: A Case Study. Poster Presentation. AOTA Annual Conference 2017.
Knight, H. Wong, S. (2015). Flipped Classroom Model for Introduction and Case Based Application to Lower Extremity Orthotics. Compendium for Teaching Physical Therapy Neurologic Content.
Nelson, K. Seidl, K. Pladera, S. (2010). The Effects of a WiiFit Intervention on Balance Performance of a Child With Cerebral Palsy. Poster Presentation. Pediatric Section, APTA Combined Sections Meeting 2010.
Dr. George F. Haddix President’s Faculty Research Fund Award, Creighton University Internal Grant, $5,045.00
The American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties recognizes Dr. Wong as a Board Certified Pediatric Specialist. She was also recognized by the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy as the 2018 recipient of the “Outstanding Pediatric Clinical Practice Award” for going above and beyond, demonstrating creativity, adaptability, and dedication. Her scholarship on aquatic therapy and mobility (Go Baby Go) has been presented at the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy Annual Conference, APTA - Combined Sections Meeting, American Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference, and the Nebraska Physical Therapy Association Annual Conference, among others.