University Travel Policy

Date Approved 
Tuesday, Dec. 18, 2018

In recognition of the important work that Pacific University employees conduct at conferences, presentations, site visits, development trips, and more, the University Travel Policy provides a way to ensure cost effectiveness and accountability while upholding Pacific University’s mission.

This policy has been created to govern spending on travel and expenses related directly to business travel for Pacific University, in compliance with IRS regulations. The University will reimburse individuals for reasonable, necessary, appropriate and approved travel and business expenses incurred in the performance of University business.

All employees must receive approval from their supervisor before traveling to conferences, workshops, and other off-campus events. Documentation showing this approval may differ for some areas and employees should consult their supervisor. If an area does not have a current system in place employees may utilize a Travel Authorization Form (TAF). For travel to other campuses, prior approval is not necessary.

Prior approval must be documented prior to arranging any travel. The University may not reimburse travel plans made without prior approval from the employee’s supervisor. A purchase order is not required for travel expenses.

In adherence with IRS guidelines, when the employee returns from their travel, they are required to submit a Travel Expense Report to the Business Office with the proper documentation and approval paperwork, within 30 days. The 30-day rule is necessary to allow for processing, and given the IRS may now consider later-filed reimbursements as taxable income to the employee and subject to income and withholding taxes, employees are asked to adhere to this deadline. However, fiscal year-end deadlines set by the Business Office may impact this 30-day requirement and forms may be required to be submitted in less than 30 days.

*Note - Policy document was updated on 2/1/19 to clarify procedures related to obtaining travel insurance.

Travel Authorization Form - June 2019

Travel Expense Report & Reconciliation Form - June 2019

Travel Insurance Information, updated 2/1/19  (for questions related to university insurance, contact the executive assistant to the VP of Finance)

PUNet ID required for review of documents.
