The following is a listing of off-campus summer undergraduate research opportunities spanning most arts and humanities disciplines. Opportunities exist across the country and are a great way to get valuable experience, both to list on your resume and to help you determine your career goals.
This list shows programs available nationwide. Contact your department faculty member if you are interested in one or more. These opportunities are competitive and have application deadlines ranging from late November to February and early March.
Arts & Humanities
Big Ten Academic Alliance Universities Summer Research Opportunities Programs: a gateway to graduate education. The goal of the program is to increase the number of underrepresented students who pursue graduate study and research careers. SROP helps prepare undergraduates for graduate study through intensive research experiences with faculty mentors and enrichment activities
The Leadership Alliance: Paid summer internships that provide training and mentoring in the principles underlying the conduct of research.
National Archives: Internships in History, Political Science, Computer Science and Information Technology, Communications, and Education
Smithsonian Summer Internship Opportunities: Catalog of internships available at Smithsonian Museums.
Smithsonian Center for Folklife & Cultural Heritage: Internships are offered year-round in various fields including cultural anthropology, folklore, ethnomusicology, museum studies, arts administration, graphic and web design, marketing, journalism, and library science.
Think Swiss: Research experiences in all disciplines in Switzerland. **International**
USA Jobs: Pathways internship program for students and recent graduates in multiple areas.
University of Utah Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) is a nationally competitive opportunity that provides undergraduate students with an intensive 10-week summer research experience under the mentorship of a University of Utah faculty member. The program provides opportunities to gain research experience in a variety of disciplines.
University of Utah offers a Summer Program for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) provides undergraduates with an intensive paid 10-week research experience under the mentorship of a University of Utah faculty member. These student researchers work hand in hand with faculty mentors on project topics ranging from health, medicine, data science, robotics, fine arts, psychology, architecture and more!
Check back soon for opportunities!
DC Internships: Summer internships in Journalism and Communications.
Institute for Broadening Participation: Searchable database for fully-funded programs.