Joint PharmD/MS Degree Program Schedule

Typical Schedule

First Year Courses: August-July (credits)

  • Fall PHRM500: Pharmacy Foundations (10)*
  • Fall PHRM524: Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics (5.5)*
  • Fall PHRM524L: Pharmaceutics & Biopharmaceutics Lab (0)*
  • Fall PHRM532: Personal & Professional Development I (2)*
  • Spring PHRM523: Pharmacokinetics (3)*
  • Spring PHRM801: Research Elective (1)
  • Spring PHRM802: Advanced Topics (1)

Second Year Courses: August-July (credits)

  • Fall PHRM801: Research Elective (1)
  • Spring PHRM801: Research Elective (2)

Third Year Courses: August-July (credits)

  • Summer PHRM713: Research Experience (6)**
  • Fall PHRM803: Scientific Communication I (1)
  • Spring PHRM804: Scientific Communication II (1)

Fourth Year Courses: August-May (credits)

  • Summer PHRM801: Research Elective (5)
  • Fall PHRM800: Research Seminar (1)
  • Fall PHRM801: Research Elective (6)
  • Fall PHRM805: Thesis (2)
  • Spring PHRM800: Research Seminar (1)
  • Spring PHRM801: Research Elective (6)
  • Spring PHRM805: Thesis (2)

*Required courses from PharmD curriculum; **Can be taken anytime during the third year

A downloadable version of our curriculum is accessible HERE