Become a teacher with Pacific's program of Master of Arts in Teaching in General Education. Learn side-by-side with master teachers through practicum placement opportunities locally, regionally, and even in Hawai’i! With a variety of program formats to choose from, find the degree that's right for you.

Admissions Information

We're here to help on your way to your Master of Arts in Teaching! Learn about the admissions process and contact your admissions counselor.

How to Apply

Start a rewarding teaching career — local school administrators say students from our AAQEP-accredited program often enter their careers with the preparation of experienced teacher.

Two-year Online Master's Programs

The academic calendar starts in the fall for the two-year online programs for a MAT in General Education, and you can choose from the following endorsement options:

  • Elementary/multiple subjects
  • Elementary/multiple subjects, with one endorsement in a foundational subject (science, math, social studies, or language arts) for middle school
  • Middle/high school, with up to two endorsements

One-year Online Master's Program

You can also opt to complete middle/high school licensure, in one endorsement area, in the one-year online program. The academic calendar for the one-year online MAT in General Education starts in the summer.

Two-year Residency Master's Program

The Arbor School Teacher Residency Program is an immersive, two-year, full-time program in partnership with the Arbor Center for Teaching. Courses are offered onsite at the Arbor School in Tualatin and at Pacific's Forest Grove campus. You'll participate fully in all aspects of school life as an Arbor School faculty member. Access free on-campus housing and a monthly stipend.

Contact Us

For questions related to admissions, please reach out to our team at: