Types of Pathway Programs
There are several different structures, or plans of study, within Pacific’s pathway programs.
4+ Dual Admission Program
Most dual admission programs are 4+ programs. That means students spend four years in undergraduates and begin graduate school in Year 5.
Accelerated Dual Admission Programs
In an accelerated dual admission program, students start their graduate program during their fourth year of college. Sometimes this means students complete their undergraduate degree in three years and then start graduate school in Year 4. Sometimes, the fourth year of undergraduate and the first year of graduate school overlap, and the student earns their bachelor’s after Year 4.
Earning Graduate Credits as an Undergraduate
Under specified circumstances, full-time undergraduate students at Pacific may enroll in graduate courses for credit toward their bachelor’s degree at no extra cost. Students do not need to be admitted to a graduate program in order to enroll in these courses, and the completion of some graduate credits as an undergraduate can reduce time and/or cost if the student goes on to enroll in the graduate program.