Pacific Pathways

Your goals on your timeline.

Our Pacific Pathway programs are designed to map your route to a variety of graduate programs and degrees.

Choose from pathways that offer opportunities to accelerate your studies, or get extra support and networking opportunities on your way to graduate programs here at Pacific or elsewhere.

If you have an end-goal in mind, we have a pathway to help you get there.

Types of Pathway Programs

There are several different structures, or plans of study, within Pacific’s pathway programs.


4+ Dual Admission Program

Most dual admission programs are 4+ programs. That means students spend four years in undergraduates and begin graduate school in Year 5.


Accelerated Dual Admission Programs

In an accelerated dual admission program, students start their graduate program during their fourth year of college. Sometimes this means students complete their undergraduate degree in three years and then start graduate school in Year 4. Sometimes, the fourth year of undergraduate and the first year of graduate school overlap, and the student earns their bachelor’s after Year 4. 


Earning Graduate Credits as an Undergraduate

Under specified circumstances, full-time undergraduate students at Pacific may enroll in graduate courses for credit toward their bachelor’s degree at no extra cost. Students do not need to be admitted to a graduate program in order to enroll in these courses, and the completion of some graduate credits as an undergraduate can reduce time and/or cost if the student goes on to enroll in the graduate program. 

Three Pacific University students wearing white coats in the pharmacy lab

STEM & Health Professions Advantage Scholars

Prepare for your career in STEM and healthcare with this combination of coursework, advising, observational hours, and experiential learning opportunities, such as internships, research, and clinical work. The Advantage Scholars program can be paired with a variety of undergraduate majors and will help you get a head start on your STEM or healthcare career.

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A Pacific University optometry student practices an eye exam with a model patient

Optometry Advantage Scholars

Prepare for your career as an optometrist with this combination of coursework and cocurricular support. This structured pathway prepares students for acceptance into Pacific’s doctor of optometry program. Students in the program may also benefit from guaranteed grad school admission for the optometry program and/or may choose a vision science major that allows their final year of undergraduate study to simultaneously serve as their first year of optometry school.

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A faculty member and student in Pacific University's physics lab

Accelerated Tracks & Dual Enrollment

Get where you want to go faster with Pacific’s accelerated track and dual enrollment programs. These programs offer undergraduate students an opportunity to make the most of their coursework and shave time off of their studies on their way to grad school.

A Pacific University dental hygiene student treats a patient in the clinic

Pre-Professional Tracks

Pre-professional tracks at Pacific provide structured curriculum and specialized advising for students preparing for specific graduate programs, at Pacific or elsewhere. Participating students get a guide to preparing for grad school and have the chance to meet professionals in their fields and network with peers with similar interests.