Upon entering into the program, each PhD student will have an academic advisor appointed by the VSG Committee to guide his or her study. After choosing the specialized research area, the student should consult the VSG Program Director and submit a request to appoint a college faculty as his/her research advisor. The research advisor will replace the academic advisor to assist the student in working toward the doctoral degree.
The student, in consultation with his/her research advisor, should submit a request to appoint a Doctoral Dissertation Committee to guide and assist the student in his/her doctoral dissertation. The Dissertation Committee requires at least four faculty members comprising:
- The committee chair, who shall be the student’s research advisor
- Two or more other college faculty members
- One faculty member from another Pacific University department shall be included for the final defense for the purpose of evaluating the dissertation defense
- Other experts as may be indicated
If changes in the approved advisor or committee become necessary, a written request must be sent to and approved by the VSG Committee.