Chinese Language Teaching Assistant

Pacific University has hosted Foreign Language Teaching Assistants (FLTA) since 1994. Over the years, FLTAs have come from such countries as Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Chile, China, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Spain, Taiwan, Tunesia, and Uruguay.  FLTAs assist in language classes, tutor, facilitate language conversation tables, and organize cultural events on and off campus. They also make themselves available for public presentations about their cultures and enrich campus life with their international perspectives.  

Chao-Yi Ho is the FLTA for the Chinese program at Pacific University.



Chao-Yi Ho

Hello, my name is Chao-Yi Ho. I’m the new Chinese teaching assistant this year.

I come from Taiwan, the only democratic country in Chinese-speaking world. In fact, we just elected our first female president!

I majored in English Literatures and English Teaching. Last year, I was a student teacher in Wu-Ling Senior High School, which is part of my training to be a qualified high school English teacher in Taiwan.

This is my first time in US! Thanks for the helping hands. So far everything goes amazingly well. People at Pacific University are so friendly and warm. I think I’m really lucky to be here!

I can’t wait to see you guys in language tables and the cultural evenings. Chinese cultural evenings are on Mondays. If you are interested in Chinese, the language, the culture, or even the food, come join us and have fun!





— Chao-Yi Ho | FLTA for the Chinese program