University Internet Disclaimers

General Notice

Pacific University provides these pages as a service. Pacific University makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, with respect to the document, or any part thereof, including any warranties of title, noninfringement of copyright or patent rights of others, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose. These pages are expected to represent the Pacific University community and the Pacific University Board of Trustees.

Browser Support Statement

Pacific University webpages utilize features supported by standards-compliant browsers as put forth by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). Pacific University content will be accessible to other browsers, however it will not be optimized for performance, efficiency and pages may not appear as intended. As of April 2010, all structural mark up on new pages must be XHTML 1.0 Transitional compliant, all design styles will be authored using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) in accordance with Pacific University Identity Standards, and all scripts will be written in ECMA/JavaScript. In addition, Pacific University webpages may use additional plug-ins and technology such as Adobe Flash, QuickTime and Java as necessary. If any of these features have been disabled or have not been installed, the functionality of Pacific’s webpages cannot be ensured. If you need assistance downloading, installing, or setting options, please contact the Pacific University Help Desk at 503-352-1500 or

Responsibility for Pages

Deans, Directors, Budget Unit Heads, or respective designees of these Pacific University units are responsible for reviewing, clearing, and maintaining information posted on official pages. The department-assigned page editors are ultimately responsible for page information. Information on the Pacific University Website should be both accurate and current, and represent Pacific University and the Board of Trustees in a professional manner. Pacific University web editors are responsible for following University policies and Local, State, and Federal laws.

Current Information

We cannot and do not warrant that the information on this server is absolutely current, although every effort is made to ensure that it is kept as current as possible. Department-assigned page editors are ultimately responsible for the timeliness of content on any webpages for which they are responsible.

Accurate Information

We cannot and do not warrant the accuracy of these documents beyond the source documents, although we do make every attempt to work from authoritative sources.

Equal Opportunity Statement

It is the policy of Pacific University not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, ancestry, age, religion or religious creed, disability, sex or gender, gender identity and/or expression, sexual orientation, military, veteran or Vietnam Era status or any other protected classification recognized by applicable law, in admission, access to or treatment in employment, educational programs or activities as required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights act of 1964, the Age Discrimination Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, or any other applicable state or federal law, or city ordinance.

External Sites Disclaimer

External links provide additional information that may be useful or interesting and are being provided consistent with the intended purpose of the Pacific University website. However, Pacific University cannot attest to the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of information provided by this link or any other linked site. Providing links to a non-Pacific University website does not constitute an endorsement by Pacific University, the Board of Trustees or any of its employees of the sponsors of the site or the information or products presented on the site. Also, be aware that the privacy protection provided on the Pacific University website may not be available at the external link.