Political Economy

The Political Economy Focal Study explores the interaction of the economy and the larger society, including the interaction of economics,politics and social issues.

Instructions for Focal Study 7

Complete at least three courses and a minimum of 10 credits. No more than two of these courses may have the same disciplinary prefix.

Complete one course from the first cluster and two courses from the second cluster.

First Cluster (complete 1 course)
ECON 101 Economics of Social Issues 4 credits
ECON 102 Economics of Markets & Governments 4 credits
Second Cluster (complete 2 courses)
ENV 333 Environmental Economics 4 credits
HIST/IS 318 Capitalism and Culture in East Asia 4 credits
HIST 343 Industrialization, Labor and the State 4 credits
HIST 369 Get Rich! Wealth in American History 4 credits
POLS 310 Markets, Politics, & Justice 4 credits
POLS 345 International Political Economy 4 credits
SOC 342 Consumer Society 4 credits
SOC 347 Global Capitalism/Neo-Colonial Inequality 4 credits