Advising for General Mathematics

Mathematics Placement

Each incoming student is given a mathematics placement. This is based on test scores (ACT or SAT) and prior mathematics courses. For transfer students who have transfer credit for mathematics, placement is generally based on those courses.

Students may not register for a course in a level higher than that in which they placed. Students wishing to do so must pass the corresponding challenge exam to be administered by the mathematics faculty during Orientation week. Students may take courses at a lower level if it is necessary (such as MATH 207 for a student wanting or needing a statistics course, or MATH 221/223 for a student aspiring to teach elementary school).

Level Mathematics Courses Eligible Quant SAT or ACT HS Math
IV 227, 240

AP Calculus AB Score or AB Subscore of 4 or 5

IB Mathematics HL score 5 or higher

III 226 SAT 570 ACT 24 Three years w/ Trigonometry
II 125, 207 SAT 530 ACT 21 Three years
I 122, 165, 212, 221, 223 Any Any

Mathematics Core Requirement

Each student must pass with a C- or higher one of 

  1.  Four semester hours of Mathematics numbered 165 or higher OR
  2.  SOC 301 or PSY 350 (no longer offered)

Mathematics courses for Core

Course Prerequisite Intended Audience
MATH 165 None General
MATH 207 MATH 122 or Place. II Life sciences and social sciences
MATH 212 Place. II General
MATH 221 None Future elementary/middle school teachers
MATH 223 None Future elementary/middle school teachers
MATH 226 MATH 125 or Place. III Science, Math, Econ, Pre-Med, Other

Math Placement/Prerequisite Flowchart

(click to download PDF)


General Advice on Core

  • Students of Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Economics and Pre-med students should complete at least MATH 226, Calculus I.
  • Students who enter with credit for MATH 226 or 227 can register for MATH 240, which is prerequisite to most upper-level mathematics courses.
  • Students in Social Sciences, Biology, Environmental Science, Exercise Science or a related field and many pre-health professional students should complete MATH 207, General Elementary Statistics.
  • Future K-8 teachers should take both MATH 221 and MATH 223.
  • Computer Science majors are required to complete MATH 240 (Discrete Mathematics), MATH 226 (Calculus I), and MATH 306 (Linear Algebra).
  • Students not majoring in science or social science may be best served by completing MATH 165 (Modern Topics in Mathematics), or MATH 212 (Language and Logic).
  • Students should take mathematics early so they do not forget their background in it.