PA Program Prerequisite Coursework

All prerequisite courses must be completed by Dec. 31 of the year prior to entering the program. For example, if an applicant is applying for entry in May 2026, their prerequisites need to be completed by Dec. 31, 2025. All prerequisites must be passed with a "C" or higher. 

COVID-19 Update: We will accept Pass/No Pass grades for science prerequisites taken in 2020. We already accept Pass/No Pass for statistics and psychology/sociology prerequisites. We also accept online coursework and labs from regionally accredited institutions. 

Credit will be accepted from any regionally accredited institution including universities, community colleges and online courses.

The only time expiration we have on prerequisites is for Anatomy and Physiology as it needs to be completed within seven years from matriculation. Please see below for details. 

Year-long series of Human Anatomy and Human Physiology with Labs
This may be satisfied with either a combined series of A&P with labs or separate terms of Anatomy (lab required) and Physiology (lab recommended). The last term of A&P must be done within seven years from matriculation.
-Will accept Washington community colleges two quarter series
-For those applying to enter in May 2025, the latest the last term of the A&P series can be completed is any time in 2018. If all completed in 2017 it has expired.
-If series is expired, one term (either quarter or semester) needs to be repeated as a refresher

1 Microbiology or Bacteriology course (Lab not required)
-Introductory Microbiology and Medical Microbiology will be accepted. Will not accept Cell Biology as a substitute.

Year-long series of General Chemistry with labs 
-May not be introductory courses such as Introduction to Chemistry or Preparatory Chemistry, upper level may be substituted)

1 Organic or Biochemistry course (Lab not required, may not be a combined course)
-Strongly prefer a course that requires a year of General Chemistry as a prerequisite

1 Statistics course 
Minimum of 3 semester credits or 4 quarter credits
-May not be substituted with calculus or algebra 
-Introductory, biostatistics, psychology statistics and business statistics are acceptable
-AP Credit will be accepted as long as you received college credit

1 Psychology or Sociology course
Minimum of 3 semester credits or 4 quarter credits 
-AP Credit will be accepted as long as you received college credit

Recommended Additional Coursework for Academic Preparation
Pharmacology, Medical Terminology, Spanish, Abnormal Psychology, Development Psychology, Aging and Disabilities, Public Health, Technical Writing, Communications.

Unofficial Prerequisite Evaluation Worksheet

The Unofficial Prerequisite Worksheet (pdf) is to help you determine which prerequisites you have fulfilled and those which you have remaining to meet the prerequisite coursework for the School of Physician Assistant Studies. It is not a requirement to fill out or submit the worksheet, but simply a tool if you have questions about your prerequisite courses. Please allow 2-4 business days for an email response once we receive the worksheet. 

Please note: You must use Adobe Reader to fill out the worksheet. If you do not have the free software, you can print the form and fill out by hand.

To submit the worksheet: 


Pacific University
Office of Admissions
190 SE 8th Avenue
Hillsboro, OR, 97123 USA

Contact Us

Leah Baldwin | Director of Graduate and Professional Enrollment Operations
Hillsboro Campus | 503-352-7224 |