English Department

The Pacific University Department of English welcomes writers and storytellers of all kinds.

We offer majors and minors in four areas, encouraging students to pursue their passion for words on the way to careers in publishing, education, and law. Study Creative Writing, Disability StudiesEditing & Publishing, and English Literature at Pacific.

We welcome writers who want to interrogate the literatures of the world, as well as those who want to make them. At Pacific, you can study abroad to hone your travel writing skills in Spain, as well as domestically to the Oregon Shakespeare Festival to engage the drama of William Shakespeare then and now. You can also meet your literary heroes interning with Pacific’s MFA in Writing as well as in public readings given as part of the annual Visiting Writers Series.

We offer students many avenues through which to develop and showcase their writing, as well as explore the careers to publish others. You can work as an assistant editor on the literary magazine and academic journal, IJURCA: International Journal of Undergraduate Research and Creative Inquiry. Compete, too, for prizes and publication in PLUM: Pacific’s Literature by Undergraduates Magazine.

Incoming first-year and transfer students who plan to major or minor in English are encouraged to apply to the Binford Endowed Scholarship.

Come find your voice at Pacific.

Visiting Writers Series

Pacific University regularly invites authors to read and talk about craft with students and the community at large through the Visiting Writers Series events.

From across a wide range of genres and backgrounds, the series has featured emerging artists and well as nationally-recognized writers such as Jericho Brown, Chitra Divakaruni, Kwame Dawes, and Cheryl Strayed.

The VWS is sponsored by the Department of English, English Club & Honor Society, and the College of Arts & Sciences. Pacific's professional literary magazine, Silk Road Review: A Literary Crossroads, features interviews with VWS writers, so do check out the latest issue. You can also connect with the VWS on Facebook and Instagram.


English Department Publications

All publications projects are open to English majors as well as non-majors as long as they are enrolled in the appropriate course. 

Students can contribute to the production of:

Sigma Tau Delta International English Honor Society

Membership in Pacific University’s chapter, Alpha Chi Omega — a division of the English Club — is an outward recognition of personal accomplishment and signifies that those invited to join have achieved the society’s high standards of academic excellence. When admitted, students receive a certificate of lifetime membership, the official society pin to signify high achievement, and are formally inducted at an end-of-year ceremony.

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Internship Opportunities

The rich writing, publishing, and arts community of Portland offers a range of opportunities as copyediting, design, research, social media management, and editorial interns. Pacific's English majors routinely win competitive internships, helping them make connections in the publishing, non-profit, and private sectors while earning credit toward their degree. 

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Contact Us

Department of English | Pacific University
Bates House & Abigail Scott Duniway House
2043 College Way 
Forest Grove, Oregon 97116