CAS | Curriculum Committee - Proposing Curricular Changes

College of Arts and Sciences Curriculum Committee Meeting Agendas and Minutes (via Box, restricted to Pacific University accounts)

For inclusion in the 2024-2025 Course Schedule and Catalog, proposals are due to the Curriculum Committee by November 13, 2023.

All proposed curricular changes must follow the procedures outlined in the A&S governance documents. To make the proposal process as smooth and efficient as possible, please see the procedural checklist that will guide you through the process. A downloadable version is available in Box. The diagram below illustrates the curricular change process, as well as the approval level required for major, minor or minuscule changes within the curriculum (click the image for an enlarged version that can be saved to your computer or printed).

CC Curricular Change Process Diagram

Forms for proposing different types of curricular change can be found in the table below. Please download the appropriate form to your computer, open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader or MS Word, fill in the appropriate fields and save it with a new file name indicating the course or program being modified. Forward the completed form to your department chair and then to your school director. You can not fill out the forms if you are viewing them in your web browser.

When proposing new courses or course changes, it may be useful to examine the guidelines for course levels. Other curriculum committee policies can be found here. In constructing new majors or modifying existing ones, it may be helpful to look at our database of required credits for all majors.

If you are proposing a course that will fulfill the college's Writing in the Discipline (WiD) core requirement or seeking to designate an existing course as a WiD course for your program, please review the summary of WiD practices and learning outcomes at Pacific.

If you are proposing an inter-disciplinary course that has subject matter that spans three or more academic disciplines, please consider using the ID course prefix for the course instead of a cross-list. The Curriculum Committee has a set of guidelines for faculty who are considering proposing an ID course. Please refer to these guidelines to insure that your course will meet the CC's criteria.

Proposing Short-Term Travel Abroad Courses

The Study Abroad Committee reviews and approves all proposals for short-term travel courses. The following links will be useful in considering, planning, and proposing a travel course.


The Curriculum Committee prefers that you use the Word (.docx) versions of the curricular change forms, however the forms are also available in PDF format in Box.

Major Items Minor Items Minuscule Items

New majors, minors, tracks or emphases (.docx)

New course proposal form (.docx)

Course Change Form (.docx)
This form is used to request the following changes:

  • Course credits
  • Prerequisites/Instructor Consent
  • Changes in content
  • Major changes in resource usage
  • Upper division/lower division switch
  • Dropping, merging or splitting courses

Course Designation Forms
These forms are used to request the following changes to new and existing courses:

Changes to majors, minors, tracks or emphases (.docx)

Course Change Form (.docx)
This form is used to request the following changes:

  • Changes in course numbering
  • Changes in course names
  • Enrollment limits
  • Minor changes in course descriptions
  • Co-listing courses across disciplines
  • Changes in grading designation (i.e. changing from letter graded to Pass/No Pass)
  • Changes in repeat policies

New Course Proposal for X55 courses (.docx)


Course Deactivation Form (.docx)