Mission Statement
The mission of Nā Haumāna O Hawai‘i is to promote and radiate the spirit of Aloha and preserve and perpetuate our unique cultural heritage.
Any student of Pacific University who shows an interest in the goals of the organization, accepts adherence to the provisions of the constitution and by-laws, and is willing to contribute to the ongoing success of the organization, is eligible for membership.
Janalei Chun ʻ89, MAT ʻ97 | auntyjana@pacificu.edu
Honorary Advisor
Jeff Grundon, ʻ80 | grundonj@pacificu.edu
Maile Andrada | andr8835@pacificu.edu
Treasurer: Kimi Vidinha | vidi3162@pacificu.edu
Follow us on Instagram for more announcements and upcoming events at @nhoh_pacific!