Creative Writing Faculty

Photograph of Professor Bove.
(503) 352-2010

Professor Bove received his Ph.D. from Boston University and specializes in Victorian literature and culture, British Romanticism, and critical theory.

Headshot of Professor Carstens.
Vice Provost for Academic Affairs & Professor of English
(503) 352-3065

Professor Carstens specializes in early twentieth-century Anglo-American literature, with additional interests in fiction from late-nineteenth to contemporary, gender and sexuality studies, and critical and creative writing. Currently her primarily role is administrative, serving as Pacific’s Vice Provost for Academic Affairs.

Headshot of Brent Johnson
Associate Professor & First-Year Experience Program Director
(503) 352-3035

Professor Johnson is an associate professor of English. He is currently working on a chapbook of poetry on fly-fishing. 

Photograph of Professor Mitra.
Professor & Creative Writing Program Director
(503) 352-2989

Professor Mitra is the Director of Creative Writing, teaching writing and literature courses for the English Department. There, she also serves as co-editor-in-chief of Silk Road Review: A Literary Crossroads and PLUM: Pacific's Literary Undergraduate Magazine. (On sabbatical spring 2020.)

(503) 352-2748

A professor in the English Department, Darlene Pagán teaches creative writing and contemporary literature. She is an Associate Editor in Poetry for Airlie Press, and her publications include poetry (Setting the Fires and Blue Ghosts) and essays. She's at work on a memoir, The Safest Place to Fall, as well as a novel.

Photograph of Professor Kathlene Postma
Professor and Department Chair
(503) 352-2859

Kathlene Postma is a Professor of Creative Writing and Literature. She works primarily in fiction but also publishes and presents poetry, creative nonfiction, and scholarship. Her current writing and teaching interests are the art and history of the fairy tale and the role storytelling plays in healing from trauma. She founded and edited Silk Road Literary Review and is series editor for New Ground Books.  

Jenna Thompson Profile Picture
Assistant Professor of English

Jenna is interested in helping students discover and practice ways of writing that integrate research, personal inquiry, and collaboration across disciplines.