Primary Care Optometry - Ocular Disease - VA Salem

Sponsor: VA Portland Health Care System-Salem Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC), 1750 McGilchrist Street SE, Salem, OR 97302

Academic Affiliate: Pacific University College of Optometry, Forest Grove, Oregon


This one-year program offers qualified Doctors of Optometry a residency experience in primary eye care at an advanced clinical level through direct participation in patient care to a predominantly geriatric population.  While working as part of an interdisciplinary team, the resident will enhance his/her experience in diagnosing and managing ocular disease, ophthalmic manifestations of systemic disease, and low vision patients.  The resident will also further his/her optometric knowledge by engaging in didactic and scholarly activities.

Residency Program Coordinator

Vincent Chan, OD

Residency Program Faculty

Weon Jun, OD, FAAO
Linh Ngo, OD, FAAO

Length of Program: 52 weeks (July 1st through June 30th)

Number of Positions: 1

Salary: $47,001 – not contingent upon productivity of the resident

Hours: Residents typically work 40 to 50 hours per week, and the Eye Clinic is open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Leave: Residents earn 13 days paid annual leave and 13 days paid sick leave per year. There are also 11 paid Federal Holidays annually.

Professional Liability Protection: The U.S. Government accepts responsibility for the actions of its employees during exercise of official duties. VA residents are protected by the Federal Government in instances of alleged malpractice or negligence resulting from performance of their duties in or for the Veterans Health Administration.

Health Insurance Benefits: The VA provides full medical health insurance to residents.

Certificate of Completion

  • A certificate of completion is awarded upon satisfactory completion of residency requirements.
  • Fulfillment of program participation for the duration of the program year.
  • Preparing and delivering a presentation for the weekly optometry clinical seminar at least once a quarter during the program year.
  • Preparing a potentially publishable manuscript.
  • Preparing and delivering a presentation at the annual Pacific University College of Optometry Northwest Residents Conference.

Program Goals

Goal 1: Enhance the primary eye and vision care assessment and the management skills of the resident through significant broad-based clinical experience.

Goal 2: Foster the resident's active participation as a member of an interdisciplinary health care team.

Goal 3: Develop the resident's skills as an educator.

Goal 4: Encourage the resident's pursuit of scholarly activities.


The optometry resident’s primary worksite is at the VAPORHCS Salem Community Based Outpatient Clinic (CBOC). The resident will also spend one day a week at the VA Medical Center in Portland or VA Vancouver Campus.  The resident will also have the opportunity to rotate through eye clinics affiliated with the Pacific University College of Optometry.

Clinical Facilities

The Salem CBOC outpatient clinic includes optometry, ophthalmology, podiatry, orthopedics, physical therapy, audiology, laboratory, mental health, and primary care.  There is an on-site Optical lab with a full time optician.

The eye clinic includes 8 fully equipped general eye exam rooms.  Low vision exams are scheduled once a week.  Additional equipment include Humphrey Visual Field Analyzer III, Optos-California, Zeiss Clarus, Heidelberg Spectralis HRA-OCT, Zeiss IOL Master, Oculus Pentacam, A/B ultrasound, handheld slitlamp, corneal pachymeters, BAT, and Zeiss YAG/Argon laser.


Additional Information


Optometry Resident Interaction

Once per month, the Optometric residents from the Salem, Portland and Vancouver campus come together to work on case reports, discuss interesting patients, attend interdisciplinary meetings, journal club discussion, and independent study.


Low Vision Program

Legally blind and visually impaired patients receive comprehensive examinations in the Salem Low Vision Clinic as a component of their rehabilitation program. The resident works with an interdisciplinary rehabilitation team including of Optometry, Ophthalmology, Blind Rehabilitation Outpatient Specialist (BROS), Low Vision Therapist (LVT), and Low Vision Support Assistant.


Ophthalmic Imaging

Full-time ophthalmic imaging is available at the Salem CBOC location. Residents can schedule patients for fluorescein angiograms, anterior and posterior segment photos, OCT scans, Optos scans, and ophthalmic A&B ultrasonography.


Weekly Clinical Optometry Seminar

The VAPORHCS Optometry Section conducts a weekly two-hour seminar for didactic presentations and clinical discussions between program faculty, residents and students.


VISN 20 Optometry Grand Rounds

On the second Wednesday of each month, one hour of continuing education is presented by live video broadcast to the national VA Eyecare community.  These academy level presentations are given by distinguished Optometrists and Ophthalmologists from around the country.  The Grand Rounds are hosted by Dr. Lutz from the VA Portland Hospital.


Casey Eye Institute and Devers Eye Institute Ophthalmology Grand Rounds

On Friday mornings from 7:00AM to 8:00AM, one hour of continuing education is available.  The presentations are by subspecialists in ophthalmology.


Watski Imaging Conference

On selected Friday mornings from 7:00AM to 8:00AM, one hour of online discussion is available in which subspecialists will discuss the latest updates in imaging.  Primary focus will be OCT, Optos, Ultrasounds, MRI, and CT scans.


Ophthalmology Section

The Ophthalmology Section of the VAPORHCS has a close working relationship with the Optometry Section. Services provided by the Ophthalmology Section include general ophthalmology and subspecialist in cornea, glaucoma, neuro-ophthalmology, oculoplastics, medical retina, strabismus, uveitis, and vitreo-retinal surgery. The Ophthalmology Section also has a strong educational component. Ophthalmology residents and subspecialty fellows from the Oregon Health Sciences University’s (OHSU) Casey Eye Institute and the Dever’s Memorial Eye Clinic provide patient care services in the integrated eye clinic at the VAPORHCS' Portland Division.  The Salem Optometry resident can send patient referrals to the eye clinic at VAPORHCS’ Portland division for evaluation, consultation, and treatment options not available at the Salem CBOC.  There is also a Retinal Specialist available two days a week at the Salem CBOC for consultation.


Library and Research Resources

The Salem resident is provided access to the library resources of the VAPORHCS, Pacific University, and Oregon Health Sciences University (OHSU). Access to the extensive ophthalmic library at the Casey Eye Institute (CEI) is also available.


Scholarly & Indirect Patient Care Time

The resident schedule includes 4 hours per week for indirect patient care time to be used for administrative time, research, independent study and other scholarly pursuits.


Computer Access

Computers with VA network and internet access from all patient examination rooms and at workstations dedicated to the residents for indirect patient care activities.


Salem Living

Housing & Cost of Living

Housing is not provided by the VA for the resident. The cost of living is approximately 20% less expensive than Portland. Rents range from $1000 to $2500, depending on the type of rental unit. 

Commuting & Parking

Parking is free at the Salem CBOC.  Recommended transportation of choice is personal automobile.


Oregon’s capital, Salem, has a population of 164,549. It is in the center of the Willamette Valley alongside the Willamette River, which runs north through the city. The city is home to Willamette University, Corban University, and Chemeketa Community College. 

Salem is set in the picturesque Willamette Valley in Oregon, one of the most fertile agricultural regions of the United States. A richly diverse cultural city, Salem has a historic downtown, state capitol, and several museums. Visitors can explore the beautiful gardens in this city, hike through ancient forests, savor wine at renowned wineries, or visit a charming hilltop abbey.

The ocean is 90 minutes to the west in the Newport coast, and top-notch skiing is only 2 hours to the east in Mt. Hood.  There are many waterfalls and hiking trails that you can try each weekend.

Numerous farmer's markets, fairs and rodeos mark the start of springtime each year.


Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must earn the degree of Doctor of Optometry from a school or college of optometry accredited by the Accreditation Council on Optometric Education prior to the starting date of the residency.

Candidates must have passed the NBEO Part I and have taken Part II by the application deadline. The selected candidate must pass all parts before the start date of the residency. 

The selected candidate must be eligible to be licensed as an optometrist in the state of Oregon, including certification to use topical and non-topical pharmaceutical agents and injections.

It is the policy of the VA Health Care System to provide equal opportunity in employment for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination for all qualified persons; to prohibit discrimination in employment because of race, color, national origin, age, sex or disability; to ensure that the workforce profile will clearly reflect a meaningful distribution and utilization of minority and female employees, and to provide for the prompt, fair and impartial consideration and disposition of complaints involving issues of discrimination on ground of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, or disability, or reprisal.

Only United States citizens are eligible candidates for funded residency positions sponsored by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Application Process

Candidates must apply to this residency program through the Optometry Residency Match (ORMatch) online at

The application deadline is January 31.

Call or Email Today

For additional information about this residency opportunity, please contact:

Vincent Chan, OD | Residency Coordinator
Portland VA Healthcare System, Salem CBOC
1750 McGilchrist Street SE, Suite 130
Salem, OR 97302
971-304-2210 |
