Join us for a fun, sun, and adventure-filled day on the beautiful Short Sands Beach! On this trip, you can choose to hop on a board and catch some waves, or you can opt to stay on the sandy shore and relax and play some beach games!

Transportation is provided for both options.

For the surfing option, gear and instruction is also provided.

For the beach shuttle only option, students must stay on the shoreline.

Destination: Short Sands

Prices Beach Shuttle:
$10  |  Students
$15  |  Faculty/Staff/Alumni
$20  |  Non-Affiliated

Prices Surfing:
$20  |  Students
$30  |  Faculty/Staff/Alumni
$45  |  Non-Affiliated

Register by Wednesday, April 3*
* In order to ensure adequate prep time, registration will close at NOON the Wednesday preceding the trip date for weekend trips and the Monday preceding indoor climbing trips.

Contact Us

Outdoor Pursuits
2017 21st Avenue, Forest Grove | 503-352-2264 |