Boxer Love Stories

The perfect partners are paired at Pacific.

Did you know that more than nearly 2,400 alumni met and fell in love through Pacific University? Over the years we have compiled the Boxer love stories of these friends and classmates and we invite you to read their stories.

Did you find or nurture love at Pacific University? Please share your Boxer Love story to add to our collection. To submit your story, please email Stories are edited for spelling and grammar.

Love Story Collection

While sitting at a Boxer soccer game Jeremiah leaned over and asked "When are you going to make me an apple pie?"
Barbara was a shy PK (preacher's kid) from the big city of Los Angeles.
Kelsey met her long-time boyfriend, Jeremy, during a freshman orientation ice-breaker.
Ira remembers his wedding with Bobby in December 1955 in the newly rebuilt chapel with the full music department faculty in attendance.
In 1971, during Carolyn’s fifth and final year at Pacific University, she met the treasure of her life, Bill Rhys Williams, a ranch boy from southern Idaho.
Ralph vividly remembers his engagement to his wife Barbara while attending Pacific: being pinned and shaved by roommates in celebration.
The whirlwind courtship that started with a radiator cap.
