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Admitted Student Deposit Days

Let's make it official!

Once you have been admitted to Pacific as an undergraduate, your next step is submitting your deposit to become a Boxer! We'd love to see you on campus for this milestone moment!

At Admitted Student Deposit Days, admitted students and their guests can come to the Forest Grove Campus to make their deposit in person, ring a small celebration bell*, and sign our Boxer statue. You'll also have a chance to visit residence halls, chat with Resident Assistants, and ask questions about living on campus. 

Come to Knight Hall on any Deposit Day! All Deposit Days are listed below, when available.

*Wondering what the bell thing is all about? It's a precursor to Sign, Shake & Ring! Learn more about our campus traditions.


We understand. Once you've received your admission notice, you're welcome to attend an Admitted Student Deposit Day for an extra opportunity to check out Pacific. No deposit is required at Admitted Student Deposit Days. Explore campus, meet more people, and learn about life at Pacific.

Out of the Area?

Admitted Student Deposit Days are optional. You can make your deposit online at any time to become a Boxer!


Upcoming Events

Forest Grove, Knight Hall

Admitted undergraduate students are invited to come to campus to make their deposit in person in order to ring the bell and sign our Boxer statue. No registration required!

Forest Grove, Knight Hall

Admitted undergraduate students are invited to come to campus to make their deposit in person in order to ring the bell and sign our Boxer statue. No registration required!

Forest Grove, Knight Hall

Admitted undergraduate students are invited to come to campus to make their deposit in person in order to ring the bell and sign our Boxer statue. No registration required!