Put your patients first by exploring models of interprofessional, person-centered healthcare with a concentration in interprofessional education at Pacific University.
Interprofessional education is embedded into the curriculum throughout Pacific’s health professions programs. Students who choose to pursue interprofessional experience above and beyond these fundamental requirements can earn an additional concentration in interprofessional education.
This formal recognition is documented on transcripts as a specialization, indicating that students have gained specific competencies in interprofessional education.
Interprofessional Education Concentration Requirements
To earn the concentration in interprofessional education, students complete the Foundations for Interprofessional Practice, Equity and Inclusion course, as well as the Concentration in Interprofessional Education course. They also compete four additional interprofessional experiences and submit a portfolio reflecting on their interprofessional experiences.
Interprofessional Experiences
Interprofessional experiences can vary in nature. For example, some students have taken approved interprofessional electives courses, participated in an international service trip, participated in a community outreach program like Project Homeless Connect, completed the IP is Best Certificate program at Pacific, or engaged in service, volunteerism or practicum work at interprofessional sites. (Experiences sponsored by entities other than Pacific should be verified via the external interprofessional experience form.)
Interprofessional experiences must align with one of the operational definitions of IPEC’s core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice and exceed the standards for interprofessional education set by the students’ degree program. They also must be approved by the student’s program advisor.
E-Portfolio & Concentration in Interprofessional Education Course
Upon completion of the foundations course and interprofessional experiences, students prepare an e-portfolio reflecting on their experiences. The term that students are ready to submit their e-portfolio, they also enroll in the Concentraiton in Interprofessional Education course.
To enroll in the concentration course, students complete the requirements check-off form and have their school’s IPE program contact sign and approve it. Signed forms can be submitted to Katrina Gust at katrina.gust@pacificu.edu, who enrolls students in the course.