Talented and Gifted Specialization

Pacific University’s Center for Gifted Education offers a 13-credit specialization program for teachers, counselors, paraprofessionals and parents who want to learn more about meeting the needs of gifted children. 

The Talented and Gifted Specialization Program includes an introduction to gifted education, social and psychological foundations of gifted education, and classroom strategies, followed by a practicum in which participants apply their knowledge and skills. Each class is offered either 100 percent online or in a blended format, depending on demand. Blended courses meet for three half-day Saturday sessions each semester. The remainder of the coursework is conducted online to allow students more flexibility and convenience. Students may enter the program during any semester. Find additional details in our flyer (pdf).

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Contact Us

RubyDawn Lyman | TAG Specialization Program Coordinator
503-352-1437 | rubydawnlyman@pacificu.edu