Master of Education Curriculum

The following is an example of the typical course of study in the Master of Education program at Pacific University. Complete degree requirements and course descriptions are available in the academic catalog.

Section The Foundation Core Credit Hrs
EDUC-670 Introduction to Professional Inquiry 1
EDUC-671 The Scholarship of Teaching 1
EDUC-674 Planning the Inquiry Project 2
EDUC-675 Completing the Inquiry Project 2
  One Technology Course: EDUC-682 Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (2cr) recommended. An alternative course will be accepted upon approval of the program advisor. 1-2
Elective Courses
EDUC-611 Meeting the Needs of All Learners 3
EDUC-616 School and Community Leadership 2
EDUC-660 Advanced Teaching and Learning 2
EDUC-625 Portfolio Development (for Professional Teaching License only) 1
EDUC-686 Portfolio Presentation (for Professional Teaching License only) 1
Total credits required for MEd 30

Note: Any candidate not adding an endorsement or authorization as part of a MEd program will need to take at least one class related to curriculum/curriculum development and one class dealing with differentiation as electives. Listed above are suggested courses.