Healthcare Management MBA

Designed for working healthcare professionals, the Pacific MBA with a healthcare management track will develop your business skills for a career in healthcare administration. Along with your career experience, the Pacific MBA will prepare you with a curriculum evolving as fast as today’s healthcare industry.

Why Pacific's MBA in Healthcare Management

  • Earn your MBA in 15 months with an alternating-weekend schedule (pdf) on Friday afternoons and Saturdays or online (see schedule)
  • Network with a close-knit MBA cohort with experiences in and out of the healthcare industry
  • Same schedule, benefits, and tuition that all Pacific MBA candidates enjoy
  • Classes are held 4 days a month from Hillsboro, OR or you can join remotely
  • MBA Scholarships are available
  • Gain theory and practical experience while visiting local businesses on the Corporate Landscape Tour
  • By incorporating a cohort program, Pacific's MBA program empowers students to network with classmates and professors.

Earn a Dual Healthcare/MBA Degree

Students in Pacific’s graduate programs in the College of Healthcare Professions can also enroll in the MBA in Healthcare, earning both degrees at the same time. Earning an MBA in Healthcare Management, in addition to your graduate healthcare degree, will prepare you for leadership roles in healthcare or for managing your own practice.

Why Earn an MBA While Earning Your Healthcare Degree

Earning an MBA can help you:

  • Learn managerial practices in the business world and in a healthcare setting.
  • Understand critical skills to run a modern healthcare practice, including accounting, marketing, quality and operations management, and organizational diversity and leadership.
  • Increase your income. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median annual pay for medical and health services managers in 2021 was $101,340. The top 10% of earners in this field were paid more than $205,620 that year. Plus, the Graduate Management Admission Council's 2022 Corporate Recruiters Survey found that new MBA graduates' starting salary was 22% to 40% more than new hires with only a bachelor's degree.

Financial aid is available for the MBA program, including scholarships available to Pacific healthcare students. Students enrolling in the Dual MBA/Healthcare degree will submit an application for admission to the MBA program, and the additional application requirements are waived. Schedule a meeting with Alessandra Govi, the MBA admission counselor, to learn more.

Schedule & Topics

Healthcare track candidates will follow the same schedule as general MBA counterparts. Healthcare track students will take a combination of general MBA courses that provide a healthcare option of focus and specific courses unique to the healthcare track. For a full list of courses, visit the MBA Curriculum page.

“Science majors stream through natural sciences with very limited exposure to business — even the terms. Having this degree helped me stand out as a job candidate and I am positive I was about to start my current position right out of school because of the MBA.” — Jona Johnson, OD '15, MBA '15