“We’ve got some difficult days ahead. But it doesn’t matter to me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop … I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land” (Martin Luther King Jr., speech at the Masonic Temple, Memphis, TN, April 3, 1968). Less than 24 hours after these prophetic words, King was tragically assassinated.
McCall Center for Civic Engagement
The McCall Center for Civic Engagement oversees Pacific University's Civic Engagement core requirement and works with students, employees, campus groups (such as athletic teams and clubs), and community partners on co-curricular civic engagement activities - e.g. service, advocacy, fundraising, and more. The McCall Center is nonpartisan and seeks to uphold the university mission to work toward a diverse and sustainable community in which students "think, care, create, and pursue justice in our world."
No matter your interests, skills, passions, or access to resources like time or transportation, we can help you find a way to get involved.
Ready to get started?
Visit our Get Involved page to:
- find upcoming event and opportunities
- get connected via email or social media
- share your own events and needs with us
Visit our Academic Civic Engagement page to:
- learn about the civic engagement core requirement
- explore travel courses and independent projects
- find civic engagement funding and scholarships
Visit our Programs and Activities page to:
- connect with our cornerstone events - Pacific Votes, Give & Go, and the Community Collaboration Celebration
- learn more about our Civic Action Team
- find resources for launching your own on- and off-campus initiatives
Visit our Student Resources page to:
- find FAQ about civic engagement at Pacific University
- find support (including mini-grants) for your own civic engagement projects
- learn how to use civic engagement to improve your career prospects
Visit our Faculty Resources page to:
- find resources for teaching civic engagement
- learn about civic engagement aligned scholarly work
- explore the CE course development mini-grant
Visit our Community Parter Resources page to:
- learn about the types of civic engagement at Pacific and how you and your organization can get involved
- identify how to best work with students, faculty, and staff
- find a "who's who" guide for community partners
Visit our About page to:
- learn about how the MCCE works to help prepare students for lives as informed and active citizens
- discover the history of the "McCall" name at Pacific University
- meet our team
We're here to help you find the resources and connections you need! Stay in the loop about our work and opportunities on Instagram and via our semi-regular Civic Action Update emails. If you're looking for something specific that you don't see here, please don't hesitate to reach out.
Contact Us
The McCall Center for Civic Engagement
Pacific Hall 110| 503-352-1570 | mcce@pacificu.edu
UC A141
2043 College Way
Forest Grove, OR 97116
Upcoming Events
The McCall Center for Civic Engagement at Pacific University is looking for workshop facilitators to participate in our annual Spirit of Civic Engagement Summit, scheduled for Saturday March 15, 2025. The theme is Civic Engagement in Polarizing Times and the audience will be a select group of students, faculty/staff, and community partners engaged in service and activism in our community.
There is a sobering yet hopeful documentary showing in select theaters right now, and coming to Pacific University on November 21st!