News, Media and Stories

Anna Nguyen
Anna Nguyen ’21 received the McCall Center for Civic Engagement Award after serving with the center for almost four years at Pacific University.  
Samantha Thompson
Samantha Thompson ’21 was named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Music Therapy.
The Undergraduate Student Senate would like to recognize some of the accomplishments made this year by our resilient team of Senators!
Kira Dolan
Kira Dolan ’21 was named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Music Therapy.
Jasper Riogeist ’21 was named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Physics. 
Brittany Miller
Brittany Anne Miller ’21, of Roseburg, Ore., was named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Political Science.
Olivia Rockwood
Olivia Rockwood ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in Speech and Debate.
Taylor Clapp
Taylor A. Clapp ’21 has been named the Pacific University Outstanding Senior in Speech and Debate.
Jacquelyn E. Tufts ’21 has been named Pacific University’s Outstanding Senior in the Humanities. 
Two of Pacific University's first-year physical therapy students, Morgan Clark ’23 and Emma Graddy ’23, were selected to serve on the APTA-Oregon Student Leadership Committee (SLC)The announcement was made at the recent National Advocacy Dinner.
