UIS and HR met with Nonstop Wellness this month to brainstorm and proactively address any fraud related activity as well as to prevent future incidents, due to a winter 2022 data breach. Learn about steps to protect your information.
News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff
Thank you for participating in open forums for the position of VP of Human Resources last week. Please complete a candidate feedback survey by 3 p.m. Friday, July 7th, if you have not done so already.
At a high-level, the construction team is still proceeding with demolition and abatement, with excavation for the shear walls and window removal getting more fully underway. There will continue to be significant noise level from this work over the next two to three weeks, as well as construction vehicles entering and exiting the site via the west fire lane gate.
Mark your calendars for Pacific’s August 2023 Commencement and help make the day extra special for our graduates! The university needs staff members to help with student support, guest seating, program distribution, shuttle driving and more. It won't be the same without you!
If you send things via Mail Services or USPS in general, please be aware that postal rates will be increasing on July 9. If you know ahead of time that you're going to need to mail things out, consider sending them out prior to the price increase.
This year we would like you and your supervisor to review your job description in addition to the annual staff performance review. This is an opportunity to document achievements and goals and to create alignment and recognition.
Student supervisors: student timecards will be locked June 29 at 3:00 p.m. until July 5. Please submit your student's hours for June 29 to July 1 before June 29.
The Vice President for Human Resources Search Committee will be recommending three finalists to President Coyle. Faculty and staff are invited to meet the finalists during on-campus visits June 26 to 28.
Candidates will meet with several groups on these dates and an open forum is available for staff and faculty with each candidate. In person attendance is preferred, but a Zoom link is available if needed.
At Pacific, we celebrate that our Boxer community is a found family filled with people from every background and walk of life. We honor the unique voices and lived experiences of each member of this family. And we commit to the ongoing work of self-reflection, listening, learning and action necessary to continue making sure Pacific — and our surrounding society — practices those values every day.