News, Media and Stories | Writing

Kia Adderson smiling
“I love new experiences because they mean more stories,” said Addison, who has participated in Speech & Debate, English Club and the Black Student Union at Pacific.
This Pacific Alumna graduated with a BA in Creative Writing and now she’s a professional writer and filmmaker working for MTV. Read this interview with Bri Castellini, class of 2014, to learn more on what she does and how she scored such a great job.
The biology major from Roseburg graduated summa cum laude on May 21 and is one of two students to have received a Fulbright award this year.
The senior majoring in biology will work with a University of Erlangen team that is researching the addictive mechanisms of alcoholism.
The Pacific University Visiting Writers Series presents Jericho Brown at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Oct. 29, in Taylor Auditorium, Marsh Hall.
A junior from Roseburg, Gegenhuber hopes to earn either a PhD in molecular biology and biochemistry or an MD. 
Kimie Pictured with friend
Poetry and Prose have helped playwright Jill Kimie Sadoyama '74 express the loss of her childhood best friend.
Andrew Walker
Hard work and persistence took Getty Images photographer Andrew Walker ’92 from inspiration to profession.
  Carol Pott '86 recalls how her liberal arts education at Pacific University started a journey that has included everything from working in post-genocide Rwanda to singing French ye-ye music.
Amber Patton '14 finds new talent, new perspectives while studying abroad in Ireland.
