News, Media and Stories | Faculty & Staff

The Staff Senate IDEA Committee is excited to host a staff and faculty bowling night in February at Rainbow Lanes in Forest Grove. Games, shoes, pizza and prizes are covered by the Staff Senate.
Politics & Government and the Undergraduate Student Senate are proud to host Politics and Sports, a two-part lecture series featuring the annual "In Your Face Lecture." Join us for discussions on labor, media, transgender issues, and justice.
Please nominate your colleagues and community members for their service to Pacific University and our students. Awards recognizing these unsung heroes will be presented during the annual University Honors & Awards Ceremony in May. The nomination deadline is Feb. 16.  
It's not too late to register for spring intramural leagues — volleyball, pickleball, flag football, soccer and more! Or maybe relaxing yoga is more your thing. Simply show up on Thursdays for drop-in yoga. Activities start in February. 
Did You Know…If you can’t make a meal in the Café during the hours of operation, you can use a board swipe in the Market?
It's the year of the dragon! Celebrate Lunar New Year 2024 at the Washburne University Center on Feb. 16 with activities, free food for students, prizes and cultural performances. All are welcome to attend.
Mesquite Flat #48, Landscape Photo By John Wimberley
The Kathrin Cawein Gallery of Art opens its 2024 season with "Chapters," an exhibition of photos by internationally renowned artist John Wimberley. The exhibition runs Feb. 5 to Mar. 7, 2024.
Lena Cavusoglu, assistant professor of Marketing, triumphs with her short film "Face Value." The film explores the challenges of facially different consumers, advocating for societal recognition and sparking transformative consumer research. 
Pacific University has recently seen more fraudulent claims being made under employees' names. The Human Resources team offers resources to help protect your identity. 
Les AuCoin '69
The newly remodeled building at the heart of the Forest Grove Campus, formerly known as Pacific Hall, honors the nine-time Congressman for his lifetime of service.
