News, Media and Stories | Graduate Psychology

Students registered with the College of Health Professions, plus CHP faculty and staff, are invited to a free eight-week program incorporating mindfulness-based stress reduction, resilience, and mindful communication techniques geared towards health care professionals and students. Register for a Sept. 22 orientation. Classes begin Sept. 30. 
Edwards-Leeper on 60 Minutes
Pacific University Psychology Professor Laura Edwards-Leeper told a 60 Minutes interviewer she fears that some physicians approve gender transition treatments without sufficient examination. 
Ruth Zúñiga
Zúñiga is an associate professor in the School of Graduate Psychology, where she developed the Sabiduría emphasis.
Paul Michael
For the past 13 years, Michael has taught doctoral-level statistics and research design courses in the School of Graduate Psychology. In a course area that often challenges students, Michael has inspired success.
Dental student
The College of Health Professions (CHP) is committed to increasing equity and diversity within the health professions and is pleased to announce the 2020-2021 CHP Diversity Scholarship. Apply by 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2021.
Kaylie Green MS '19 earns AAPIC Internship Match 2021.
Nicole McCullough is a recipient of the 2021 United States Air Force Health Professions Scholarship Program.
Travis Dennison MA '15, PsyD '19 joined Toppenish Medical-Dental Clinic in Toppenish, Wash., in  Feb. 2021.
The Vice interview was just the most recent example of the way journalists and others have turned to Edwards-Leeper to help interpret gender issues affecting young people, such as those considering changing the gender identities they were assigned at birth.
