News, Media and Stories | Pharmacy

For academic year 19-20, Pacific University School of Pharmacy is proud to announce Kayla E Grzybowski, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP, as our preceptor of the year.
Alvin Leung
Alvin Leung PharmD '20, was awarded the Samuel H. Kalman Scholarship by the American Pharmacists Association Foundation.
Three pharmacy students in lab
The Pacific University School of Pharmacy is proud to announce its 2020 outstanding graduate award recipients.
Pharm Lab
Pacific University is proud to announce two pharmacy students are the recipients of a prestigious Oregon Health Authority scholarship. Thanks to changes in eligibility requirements, pharmacy students were able to apply for the first time this year to OHA’s Primary Care Loan Forgiveness Program.
Arendt has worked as a community pharmacist, director of pharmacy, and expert in healthcare leadership and management, as well as a faculty member in the Pacific University School of Pharmacy.
Pacific's most recent pharmacy alumni express the importance of their healthcare degrees as they graduate in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Professor Amber Buhler
Amber Buhler, a Pacific University pharmacy professor, tells a KOIN podcast audience about the origins of quinine, chloroquine, hydroxychloroquine and why nobody knows yet if they're effective against the novel coronavirus.
face shield headband
Like Rosie the Riveter 75 years ago, Pacific University faculty, staff and students are responding to a global health crisis in creative ways.
Sophia Cardwell PharmD '12 was chosen as one of The Pew's Charitable Trusts' Stand Up To Superbugs Ambassadors. 
Students from four schools at Pacific University collaborated to provide free dental and optometric care, among other services. The event drew kids ages 2 to 17. 
