News, Media and Stories

Six students from the Master of Social Work program participated in a 20-day immersion course in Merida, Mexico during winter break. The focus of the course was to learn more about what social services and advocacy groups are available in the Yucatan area, and Merida in particular, and where there may be gaps in services.
COVID-19 Fast Facts
There is no increased risk at Pacific. Follow preventive measures. Stay home if you are sick. Pacific is monitoring travel advisories. Disease does not discriminate — neither do Boxers. Find more information and updates at
Ally Govi
Ally Govi '20 is an international student from Italy who transferred to Pacific University's College of Business from Hawai'i and studied abroad in Spain. Read about how Govi turned her language skills and business savvy into an exciting career. 
Public Health Alert
On Friday, Feb. 28, the Oregon Health Authority reported the first presumptive case of the novel coronavirus known as COVID-19 in the state. Pacific University is constantly monitoring the evolving public health situation and compiling information specific to students, employees, clinics and communities at
Pacific University is actively monitoring the situation. It is important to note that the current recommendations from the CDC are no different than in any other flu season: Avoid close contact with people who are sick. Stay home when you are sick. And practice good hygiene, such as covering your cough or sneeze with a tissue and washing your hands frequently.
Frank Gaspar's new book, The Poems of Renata Ferreira, was recently published by Tagus Press.
Katie Felix '01 became an HP Teaching Fellow, a position that will help her teach young students about the importance and usage of technology. 
David Brown, audiology professor, was a co-author on a research article about people who complain about having hearing loss, but when tested, have normal hearing sensitivity. 
Politics and Government Professor Jules Boykoff was quoted in a New York Times story about the spread of the coronavirus and how it might affect the coming Olympic Games, scheduled in Tokyo this July.
Robert Meisel OD '73
Robert Meisel OD '73 was awarded the San Diego County Optometric Society 2019 Optometrist of the Year Award. 
