Sporting elaborate tattoos on his arms, a pair of studded earrings and faded jeans and shirt, Don Schweitzer doesn’t appear to be a college professor who has just won a prestigious grant.
News, Media and Stories
The Round at Beaverton Central entered a new dimension as Pacific University showcased its newest full-service eye care center, one that features the world's first 3D performance eye clinic.
The tragic disaster in Japan has affected those living in the earthquake-torn nation, including Norhiro Mizukami '07, as well as the students and faculty at Pacific.
Doug Anderson, Pacific’s new art professor, seeks to create art that expresses his experiences and observations of the human condition.
Schultz' psychobiographies on Truman Capote and Diane Arbus have been well-received by critics from The Wall Street Journal, Vanity Fair and others.
Today he might be called "at risk," uninterested in school and unsure what to do with his young life. But Gene McIntyre '60, found unexpected encouragement and used it to fuel a long and successful career in education.
What do you remember about your time at Pacific University? It could be a professor or staff member who taught you the one thing that opened a door you’d never heard of before. Or, maybe it’s an event that inspired, amused or amazed you.
The numbers speak for themselves. Thirty-nine million people of Latin-American descent now live in the United States. Native-born and immigrant Latinos have eclipsed all other ethnic minorities in numbers, economic clout and influence.
Award honors an outstanding optometry alumnus or alumna for care in serving both patients and communities.
"We're really training our students in what is considered contemporary, patient-centered, team-based care...and they are having the opportunity to learn that from day one, which is innovative and cutting edge."